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Video Process Workflow symposium activity games fun Symposium activity Somatics Chi Kung collaboration community complicity togetherness documentation somatics translation processes improvisation Teaching exchange and research study lesson preparation for the day - physical warm-up voice recorder interview performative event true statements education Documentation Laban/Bartenieff Live Documentation Group discussion/reflection score workshop Visual media Documentation Recording Perception water teaching questions improvisation live composition all levels symposium symposium activity feedback The Politics of Form[lessness] Impulstanz teaching resting digesting warm-up Form[less]? Impulstanz 2015 100 days score Attention Aesthetics symposium Symposium program recycling class two sides of touch Vienna symposium video Jenny Beyer Antoine Effroy Alexander Kerschner Panel IDOCDE Symposium dance education Symposium collaboration Symposium LEAP Vienna teach me (not)! program Report digital tools Symposium choreographer-dancer relationship teacher-dancer relationship 2nd IDOCDE Symposium collaboration Proposal: 3rd IDOCDE Symposium Co- teaching Form and formlessness Flyer Feedback French audio discussion Symposium on form and formlessness LEAP Symposium Teaching Form|less Surprise yourself co-teaching Food for the Day proposal Symposium proposal 2016 Outdoor Embodied Knowledge symposium unnecessary symposium proposal Improvisation Lecture Key Words Video Documentation REFLEX Europe Reflex Track (EX)change Perspective Poetic feedback Poetic documentation poetry Symposium 2016 symposium 2017 proposal Proposal for Symposium 2017 Performativity queer theory embodiment Proposal partnering ensemble citizenship symposium 2018 Why compromise classes Symposium documentation Photography Kitchen Table Symposium 2017 compromise dance work The Symposium Resistance Fantasies symposium 2018 thoughts questions dance pedagogy holistic approach somatics chamanism symposium 2020 symposium 2021 Symposium 2021
114 matches found |
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Dance to idocde: documentation through video
Dance to idocde: documentation through video Video - Workflow - Camera - Technology - Computer - Support: Hands-on workshop
Dance to idocde: documentation through video Video - Workflow - Camera - Technology - Computer - Support: Hands-on workshop

By [Multiple Creators]

101 - a tryout
"101 - a tryout" is an experiment and works with the games from the IDOC "101 games for fantastic fun".
"101 - a tryout" is an experiment and works with the games from the IDOC "101 games for fantastic fun".
Experiential lecture on the latest myo-fascial research and the a...
I would like to present my on-going research, which is a combination of Western somatics and Eastern bodywork. I will focus on two specific forms of somatic theory (myo-fascial mer...
I would like to present my on-going research, which is a combination of Western somatics and Eastern bodywork. I will focus on two specific forms of somatic theory (myo-fascial mer...

By [Multiple Creators]

Postconsensual collaboration. A shared lecture on plurality and t...
The lecture of Mariella Greil and Martina Ruhsam aims at giving insights into specific collaborative methods that were developed in the frame of choreographic projects – such as...
The lecture of Mariella Greil and Martina Ruhsam aims at giving insights into specific collaborative methods that were developed in the frame of choreographic projects – such as...

By [Multiple Creators]

Documentation as artistic research / Workshop proposal
I am interested in exploring documentation as a distinct artistic practice. Participants will work with different tools in order to examine questions of documentation. In my vi...
I am interested in exploring documentation as a distinct artistic practice. Participants will work with different tools in order to examine questions of documentation. In my vi...
Lost and Found in Translation - Composing experience or how exper...
The project explores translation processes between moving/writing/perceiving. The key interest is to make somatic experiences accessible for people who don't share the experience...
The project explores translation processes between moving/writing/perceiving. The key interest is to make somatic experiences accessible for people who don't share the experience...

By [Multiple Creators]

'Happy Coccyx' as prep session for the party night
Join us as we explore the lemniscate-shape that our coccyges naturally describe in space, and let this shape inspire your coccyx to keep moving as we party through the night!
Join us as we explore the lemniscate-shape that our coccyges naturally describe in space, and let this shape inspire your coccyx to keep moving as we party through the night!

By [Multiple Creators]

'Your body - My landscape' A movement discourse on teaching excha...
a movement discourse on how this exchange and collaboration has begun at and developed since the IDOCDE conference in Ponderosa
a movement discourse on how this exchange and collaboration has begun at and developed since the IDOCDE conference in Ponderosa

By [Multiple Creators]

Study Lesson
The format of the dance lesson is conceived as a set of dance contents of different scopes. Presentation formats include both practical demonstrations and theoretical insights into...
The format of the dance lesson is conceived as a set of dance contents of different scopes. Presentation formats include both practical demonstrations and theoretical insights into...

By [Multiple Creators]

To let go and Begin again. A warm-up class by Andrea Buckley.
We will begin by zooming into the landscape of our own bodies…. As a focus to help us map and organize ourselves we will spend time learning and unlearning our habitual ways of m...
We will begin by zooming into the landscape of our own bodies…. As a focus to help us map and organize ourselves we will spend time learning and unlearning our habitual ways of m...