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Nici Rutrecht Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » 101 - a tryout
"101 - a tryout" is an experiment and works with the games from the IDOC "101 games for fantastic fun".

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Nici Rutrecht



"101 - a tryout"

300 words:  "101 - a tryout" is an experiment and works with the games from the IDOC "101 games for fantastic fun". People can try out many different games, have fun and exhaustion together, enter a world of pleasure-chaos, get something for their teaching-pockets and see for themselves what works on one hand; on the other hand, because of it's specific form it is an art-piece to be in and/or watch as well. You can switch between a spectator and a player whenever you want. It will be structured like this: a selected number of games will be printed out several times (one game per sheet). If you want to play, you pick one sheet and go to a "preparation space". there will be 2 marked "preparation spaces" (squares with tape on the floor), where you can try out the game with other people, so if you are in a "ps", you can invite other people or if you see somebody in a space you can join the game and find out for youself how it works. As soon as you figured the game out you can go to the big space with the group and play. As soon as you enter the big space you play your own game but with all players (from already existing players). For example if you enter the big space and you play a game where you choose two people you can choose people from the other group too. More information about that you can find in the Idoc "101 games for fantastic fun". Hopefully more and more games will pile up and organised(?) chaos can start. The better the system works the more people can go further - from picking a game as a single person and playing it (the most extreme form would be, that everybody plays their own game...) to breaking the rules if they feel it is really nessessary at one point, or adding new games... It can be beautiful as a spectator as well as an actor  to see people figuring out something, having fun, beeing confused, making decisions, breaking the rules, extending their borders... and at the same time figure out, what is going on in the space or just chilling into the moving picture... Instruction manuals (still to be written) will lie around or/and beeing sticked to the walls as well, so that people can come at ay time and join. It's meant as an ongoing, self-organised thing. A "warm-up space" will be provided as well. Sometimes music can come in and at one point it could maybe develop into something more free, whatever that may be...

60 words: "101 - a tryout" is an experiment. It's about playing, life and art. When you enter the space take an instruction sheet and a game sheet. You can be a player, a spectator or both. Having fun, enjoying confusion, making decisions, extending borders, experiencing utter chaos structure... that all and more could be yours. Come and join.

short CV: Nici Rutrecht is a choreographer/dancer/performer with degrees in sports/german philology/Feldenkrais and gives classes in contemporary dance and Feldenkrais. She worked for Milli Bitterli, Oleg Soulimenko, Willi Dorner, Boris Charmatz, Davis Freeman and others, got several choreographic residencies and performed/toured her own work: "M.I.", "M.I.2", "Phönix", "M.I.3" and "Taped Version of Happiness". Her current interest is the connection and blurring of art and daily life.

who:  "101 - a tryout" invites dancers and not-dancers and works (somehow) with any number of people. The more the better...

time: "101 - a tryout" could take half an hour... and hour... or more... to be discussed

audio: music could be nice from time to time, i would make a fitting song-list, so a music-device would be needed

space: a middle-big-space would be nice, the two "preparation spaces" should be big enough for playing for example a tag-game with 10 people; the bigger playing space should be really bigger than the "preparation spaces".

also needed: time to prepare the room and gaffer-tape, printed sheets (games, instructions) and maybe some posters with the instructions which i could stick in the room


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