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Contemporary Dance Organ support Ideokinesis creation documentation preparation awareness improvisation play Video Process Workflow symposium activity Movement Analysis Exploration composition Feldenkrais Movement Research partnerwork teaching personal creative process horton technique movement research experiential anatomy contemporary technique floor bar muscular alignment lengthening strength Physical availability Floor Bar Barre à terre Technique contemporary technique class Be a tree Improvisation and Body-Mind Centering® BMC® Partnerwork Hands-on rethinking dance history Stolzenhagen class proposal games fun Symposium activity Somatics Chi Kung Shiatsu K3 Proposal Body Weather collaboration community complicity togetherness dance somatics Somatic work movement Vortrices dynamics Contemporary Dance Juliana Neves improvisation composition dance circus investigation training site-specific aerial dance children creative process choreography lab pedagogy Performativity translation processes dance education coaching learning environments Teaching exchange and research study lesson voice recorder interview performative event true statements education Documentation Laban/Bartenieff Live Documentation Group discussion/reflection experimental anatomy somatic sensation spatial&emotional communication score workshop Visual media Documentation Recording Perception Dance Creation BMC® Tuning scores composition somatics Improvisation - contemporary dance Improvisation for performers translation text and body somatics internal martial arts partnering spiraling improvisation perception composition class Ballet alternatives experimental hearing the body bar exercises yoga eye-hand coordination documentation as feedback system Lisa Nelson contact improvisation amateurs social body Editing Proposal movement and language mapping ecriture automatique Tunings scores BMC® Ballet for Beginners Improvisation/Contemporary Dance for Classical Dancers Somatic movement joint perception connected and isolated joints Costume Performance body awareness contemporary training Symposium collaboration Performance Meditation release technique physical dance Acrobatics Ideokinesis Water movement kinesthetics improvisational scores performance Reflection Exchange Teaching learning Dance for Elderly People myoreflex Improvisation Somatic Dance Therapy Life Education Movement Research Teaching Practice movement exploration society and awareness fluidity circulation energy conciousness Contemporary/Modern Dance Flow & Quality of Movement Permeability & Strength Dance Material with Emotional Content teaching learning Developmental Creative movement Children Imagination choreo-lab partnering improvisation & composition teach me (not)! hierarchy autonomy methodology IDOCDE website Forum improvisation contact group Gravity Breath Release Yoga Rolfing contact improvisation releasing technique facilitating teaching dance performance improvisation contact group Technique class program Symposium program belief systems learning and information exchange creating reality emotional and body awareness Contact improvisation somatics intuitive movement connectedness improvisation creativity Butoh persona Partnering improvisation class salsa all kind of couple dancing with contemporary choreographer-dancer relationship teacher-dancer relationship 2nd IDOCDE Symposium collaboration teaching methods body consciousness Teaching dance methods self-development warmup floor work Score Practice music teaching and creation Teaching research transposition of media multitasking Form[less]? OSDYRE improvisation class creative process contemporary mainly release technique improvisation somatics ballet Co- teaching Form and formlessness Symposium mediation dance history ballet contemporay dance open form reflection Children - 7 years old Nothing Somex music silence tool box teaching questions research The poetry of technique: an exploratory contemporary dance class improvisation class Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals teaching workshop hybridization dramaturgy Somatics Technique Ballett Contemporary Dance The Politics of Form[lessness] developmental movement patterns navel space-six limbs relationships ensemble hand balancing Acrobatics writing documenting outdoors sharing multidisciplinary nature unconscious composition workshop Opening discussion playfulness tuning class description approach to dance choreography Space creative dance pre school improvisation awareness spontaneity interaction dance Instant Composition sensing listening instant composition the how more than the what… Fascia Myoreflex Space Composition Exploration architecture feld72 Michael Obrist Performance Art Dance Body Playing Limits ambient music voice amoebas coexistence posthumanism Focus AXIS – ROOTS – SKY – ROCKING Contact-Improvisation choreography practice perceiving receptivity input/output improvisation not knowing vs knowing repeating yourself repeating others forgetting and remembering dramaturgy outside eye. spending time alone in the studio vs taking a walk ways of seeing making making decisions objects what objects language writing re writing somatic teaching improvisation individual group autonomy creativity functionality Softness and mildness are the main characteristics of this method. To develop strength flexibility and coordination in a process in which instead of working with too much strain the musculature must flow. The specific exercises of The method concentrates on movement mechanisms of the musculature. Deepen knowledge about the movement mechanisms in the body. teaching children dance with material theater Scenic Investigation Class for Improvisation/Composition for a class for dance students at the zhdk . Music teaching improvisation ear training. dancing sculpturing local workshop Archive Reflexes and dance Cognitive science Embodied Creativity tango learning / teaching cross-cultural Teaching Methods Directing Performance Tactics axis syllabus Contact Improvisation documenting breathing tantra drawing Mind Acrobatics dance education balance capoeira circus spirales Continuum Spine Movement Acrobatics teaching partnering Partner Work Space awareness comunication Acrobatics dance acrobatics creative thinking playing with sharing joining Sensing connections Teaching Contemporary Dance testing structures and Playing contactimprovisation Connecting people contact improvisation democracy activism games play dialogue physical listening pedagogy choice-making Teaching Notes Workshop Announcement Mind The Dance Reflex Europe play playing playfulness movement kinesthetics intelligence artistic process body states co-teaching documentation practices and tools Teachers Exchange Broken Narratives Moving between theory and practice Aesthetics MINDTHEDANCE Body Mind Centering consent
267 matches found |
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Contemporary Dance and the supportive potential of the organs
This release related series of classes fuse alignment/release aspects, Ideokinesis in the lineage of Mabel Todd, human developmental patterns and the supportive potential of organs...
This release related series of classes fuse alignment/release aspects, Ideokinesis in the lineage of Mabel Todd, human developmental patterns and the supportive potential of organs...
A Circular Dance Creative Process
This is a hand out from a workshop that we did at the Diderot Conference last year.
This is a hand out from a workshop that we did at the Diderot Conference last year.
little summary of class teaching
that's a little text as a little summary of the meanning on my teaching class.
that's a little text as a little summary of the meanning on my teaching class.
A polyphonic document made collectively by the teachers of Brussels Local meeting
A polyphonic document made collectively by the teachers of Brussels Local meeting

By [Multiple Creators]

Score 'Cadavre Exquis'
This is a way to offer different approaches to any subject creating a physical patchwork of 5 minute proposals around one topic at a time. This proposal can be used by a group of...
This is a way to offer different approaches to any subject creating a physical patchwork of 5 minute proposals around one topic at a time. This proposal can be used by a group of...

By [Multiple Creators]

Dance to idocde: documentation through video
Dance to idocde: documentation through video Video - Workflow - Camera - Technology - Computer - Support: Hands-on workshop
Dance to idocde: documentation through video Video - Workflow - Camera - Technology - Computer - Support: Hands-on workshop

By [Multiple Creators]

Developmental Patterning: 'From inner connectivity to outer expre...
This movement exploration will focus on the process within and between each of the developmental stages, leading towards fully expressive contralateral movement. Duration: 1...
This movement exploration will focus on the process within and between each of the developmental stages, leading towards fully expressive contralateral movement. Duration: 1...
Exploring with the two sides of touch + drawings feedback environ...
This class is an experiment. First I am curious to integrate a drawing documentation process into a class that takes, as a starting point, a proposition from Lisa Nelson . Then I w...
This class is an experiment. First I am curious to integrate a drawing documentation process into a class that takes, as a starting point, a proposition from Lisa Nelson . Then I w...
stolzenhagen, class proposal
Kristen Greco Class proposal- Stolzenhagen Composition – 120 minutes Evacuate/Inhabit: Improvisational States of Composition This workshop explores intentional alignment....
Kristen Greco Class proposal- Stolzenhagen Composition – 120 minutes Evacuate/Inhabit: Improvisational States of Composition This workshop explores intentional alignment....
Feldenkrais Practice - Movement Research - Partner Work
This IDOC documents a general introduction and description of a team-teaching format that connects the Feldenkrais Method to contemporary dance an performance practice. The conten...
This IDOC documents a general introduction and description of a team-teaching format that connects the Feldenkrais Method to contemporary dance an performance practice. The conten...