user avatarClint Lutes Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarCheng Li-Li // Teacher
user avatarErdos Youtci // Teacher
user avatarLaura Faguer // Teacher
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IDOCs » Score 'Cadavre Exquis'
This is a way to offer different approaches to any subject creating a physical patchwork of 5 minute proposals around one topic at a time. This proposal can be used by a group of students, dancers, teachers, non-dancers or a mixed group. You can use different topics/themes, for example: time, space or weight (or science or traditional dance or cows…).

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The score :

Choose one topic for each round (2 or 3 rounds total).

Choose an order of who is teaching. 

Each person will lead a 5 minute proposal based on each topic (1 per round), one after the other.

There should be no rupture/break between propositions.

The group is in the space. The person who will teach the next 5 minute proposal is outside the space and will reenter after 4.5 minutes to witness the last 30 seconds of the previous proposition. They enter their own proposition without stopping the existing action. 

The teacher should quote the previous teacher at some point during their 5 minute proposition.  This quote can be fictional since he or she has only witnessed the previous workshop for 30 seconds!

When the new proposal begins, the following teacher leaves the room and keeps time.

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(inactive user) // Teacher
Chères francais,
je vous souhaite tous une super bonne nouvelle années 2013! J'espére vous voir bientot: du 14-18. janvier je donne les cours professionels du 10 - 12 heures au CDC Le pacifique à Grenobel. je serrais très heureuse de vous voir à cette occasion au cours et aussi pour notre séance de travai IDOCDE.

bien amicalemnt


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Tina Mantel Eligible Member // Teacher
Sounds like a turbo motor for developing ideas quickly, and like fun!

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