user avatarKerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarMariella Greil // Teacher
user avatarSabina Holzer Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarmaRia Probst // Teacher
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IDOCs » Lost and Found in Translation - Composing experience or how experience is composing us
The project explores translation processes between moving/writing/perceiving. The key interest is to make somatic experiences accessible for people who don't share the experience as movers. What methods of translation are needed to achieve this?

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FULL NAME: SOMEX GROUP (Hosts: maRia Probst, Mariella Greil, Kerstin Kussmaul, Sabina Holzer, Katherina Bauer)


- PHONE NUMBER: 0043 650 88 11 950

- KEY TEACHER (YES/NO. if yes, which partner organization?): YES, Wiener Tanzwochen


- TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Lost and Found in Translation - Composing experience or how experience is composing us


Lost and Found in Translation - Composing experience or how experience is composing us

Lasst die Türme taumeln und die Moleküle rasen. (Kurt Schwitters)
Let the towers tumble and rush the molecules (translated by Babelfish)

Our key interest is to make somatic experiences accessible in a setting of people moving and people witnessing.
We will explore how to translate the performative scores of Somatic Ecstasy II (see below) into collaborative settings focussed on how movement experience (kinesthetic, visual, tactile) translates into words.

The aim is to create an oscillating format, a vivid open form that explores the following topics:

(1) kinesphere (negotiations of touch and movement), somatic contingence related to articulation and the playful act of finding/searching/befriending words (scripture, écriture);
(2) reflection on intermodal sense-making and other “side effects“ of translational work;
(3) the differentiation of process of response and process of translation (in their interrelated sensate and affective quality);
(4) discussion of  forms of documentation that are primarily based on sensorial-physical occurrences.

The SOMEX GROUP created SOMATIC ECXSTASY II in 2010 for the kiosk59 ttp festival at WUK / Vienna. These are the basic scores of SOMATIC ECXSTASY II:

Score 1:  somatic themes on paper, taking paper and move with theme, not more than 2 performers / people moving, at least 3 performers / people translating what they see by passively moving an audience member / witness.
Score 2: at least 3 performers / people touching audience members/ witnesses, taking the information and translating it into movement.

- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (about 60 words; for publishing):  The project explores translation  processes between moving/writing/perceiving. The key interest is to make somatic experiences accessible for people who don't share the experience as movers. What methods of translation are needed to achieve this? It will be an experimental setting intersecting teaching and performing. All participants will be active, touching, being touched, moving, being moved, described, inscribed, researching articulations.                            


Meets regularly since 2007 in Vienna for training and research. It is a group of dance/movement artists and educators who also are well versed in various somatic methods. By somatic method we understand a practice, school or method, that understands the body as subjectively sensing, feeling and thinking. The goal of these methods is to reach more awareness, creative expression, dynamic balance and options through an education in movement. The SOMEX GROUP is a peer group with changing foci, between somatics, pedagogics and artistic projects and the interfaces inbetween.
Current SOMEX members: Katherina Bauer, Mariella Greil, Sabina Holzer, Kerstin Kussmaul, maRia Probst.

Collegues with and without experience in somatic methods - max of 40 participants.
- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc):  Possibly some chairs. If we use idocs, also a notebook and internet connection                                                                                                                                                                          
- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): One studio, preferrably with day light. Size: anything at arsenal is good (studio 3 for more intimacy?)


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