user avatarMariella Greil // Teacher
user avatarKonrad Wakolbinger // Teacher
IDOCs » Postconsensual collaboration. A shared lecture on plurality and the choreographic
The lecture of Mariella Greil and Martina Ruhsam aims at giving insights into specific collaborative methods that were developed in the frame of choreographic projects – such as the method of reformulation (of the Artistwin deufert + plischke) or the experiment of working together alone of the Cooperativa performativa in Rumania. They touch upon Gesa Ziemer ́s concept of complicity and the issue of self-organisation and put their thoughts in relation to their own artistic practices and collaborative experiences as members of two distinct collaborative platforms: “Sweet and tender collaborations” and “Kollaborateure”. Mariella Greil and Martina Ruhsam work together in difference.

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- FULL NAME: Mariella Greil & Martina Ruhsam


- PHONE NUMBER: 0650/ 88 11 950

- KEY TEACHER (YES/NO. if yes, which partner organization?): no


- TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Postconsensual collaboration. A shared lecture on plurality and the choreographic

- DETAILED CONTENT DESCRIPTION (300 words or more): 

Departing from Florian Schneider’s statement, that we have to establish a new understanding of the term 'together' when we talk about contemporary dynamics of working together, Mariella Greil and Martina Ruhsam will probe the meaning of togetherness in the form of a collaborative lecture.

They discuss Jean-Luc Nancy´s proposal of a community without common mission and its potential for artistic modes of working together. Which kind of “We” emerges if people collaborate without subordinating themselves to a common identity? What is happening if they do not merely become representatives of what they have in common?

Collaboration undecides regimes of identity, production and representation. It does not only inevitably call the authorship of a work into question but moreover challenges the methods of work. This is why uncommon ways of collaboration are so attractive for a broad field of production, that is interested in innovation and experimentation.

The lecture of Mariella Greil and Martina Ruhsam aims at giving insights into specific collaborative methods that were developed in the frame of choreographic projects – such as the method of reformulation (of the Artistwin deufert + plischke) or the experiment of working together alone of the Cooperativa performativa in Rumania. They touch upon Gesa Ziemer´s concept of complicity and the issue of self-organisation and put their thoughts in relation to their own artistic practices and collaborative experiences as members of two distinct collaborative platforms: “Sweet and tender collaborations” and “Kollaborateure”. Mariella Greil and Martina Ruhsam work together in difference. Their contribution intends to stretch beyond a dialogue, and yet they are not a group though. Their temporary “we” is constructed exclusively around the shared effort (attempting the realistically impossible) to respond to the 10 questions on collaboration that they had addressed in their previous contribution to the symposium On Collaboration I – (see the blog

- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (about 60 words; for publishing)   

The lecture aims at giving insights into specific collaborative methods that were developed in the frame of choreographic projects – such as the method of reformulation (of the Artistwin deufert + plischke) or the experiment of working together alone of the Cooperativa performativa in Rumania. They touch upon Gesa Ziemer ́s concept of complicity and the issue of self-organisation and put their thoughts in relation to their own artistic practices and collaborative experiences as members of two distinct collaborative platforms: “Sweet and tender collaborations” and “Kollaborateure”.                                                                                                                                                            

- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (for publishing)

Mariella Greil is a choreographer, performer, researcher, currently working on her PAR PhD at Roehampton University London. She initiated labs – recently at Prisma Forum Mexico – and is Associated Researcher of Performance Matters hosted by Live Art Development Agency, Goldsmith and Roehampton. Mariella is part of the artists-driven initiative SweetandtenderCollaborations. 

Martina Ruhsam is a choreographer, performer and writer. She was working
 at Tanzquartier Wien and is the author of the book “Kollaborative Praxis: Choreographie", that was published by Turia + Kant. Her artistic projects are developed in collaboration with Vlado G. Repnik intertwining live-performance and film. In 2012 she participated in the performance-project “Kollaborateure”.


everyone interested


-  TIME REQUEST    30 min + 15 min response/discussion                                                                                                                                                             

- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc):  loudspeakers and beamer                                                                                                                                                                             

- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc):  studio



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