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practice essence attitude group score Teaching Practice Release Class Contemporary Dance strengh power improvisation documenting Ana Stegnar Teaching Practice teaching methods Teaching research Ana Stegnar research teaching documentation Amsterdam research documentation website discussion somatics Contemporary Dance Florance Augendre improvisation Teaching Practice Contemporary Dance teaching Class formats dance education Teaching Practice methodology Teaching the Teachers Contact Improvisation exercices Student Feedbacks technique research weight balance gravity Space time awareness rhythm Theory Practice Reading Writing Books Dance Performance DVDS Documenetation Documenting Archives Library teaching questions Teaching research somatics improvisation teaching practice music duration Theory and Practice Research Score Practice music performativity teaching residency teaching and artistc practice improvisation class Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals hybridization dramaturgy Teaching Residency program Moon Practice archive Practices with some principles and techniques of contemporary dance movements Hybrid practices choreography practice perceiving receptivity input/output improvisation not knowing vs knowing repeating yourself repeating others forgetting and remembering dramaturgy outside eye. spending time alone in the studio vs taking a walk ways of seeing making making decisions objects what objects language writing re writing Egyptian trance Practice Repetition form mass trance concentration connection duration spiral staying with it following/leading methodology combined techniques dance education teaching kids toolkit artistic practice composition scores Teaching Practice contactimprovisation Teaching Notes teaching methods teaching experience MINDTHEDANCE laboratory own practice sharing presentation documentation practices and tools Performativity action reflection Broken Narratives Moving between theory and practice Aesthetics somatic practices practice-led research practice-theory Process intermedial dance dance epistemology landscape Mindfulness methodology education Teaching Practice Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy Workshop Foundation Contact Improvisation Practice Performing slowness slothing moving on the floor videography photography portraits contemporary dance performing arts feat. fine arts alongside dance floors transformation processes opening channels transforming movement into pictures transforming pictures into movement shamanic potential magic clowning the body is a brain a frame is a compromise compromises are freedom dance epidemics lockdown radical tenderness
59 matches found |
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Six tricky questions for dance teachers
Kerstin Kussmaul and Pia Lindy created these questions to trigger some reflection on our practice as dance teachers and to collect a few viewpoints from different teachers in Europ...
Kerstin Kussmaul and Pia Lindy created these questions to trigger some reflection on our practice as dance teachers and to collect a few viewpoints from different teachers in Europ...

By [Multiple Creators]

Collective Sensations practice - reconstructed from a partial mem...
I am fascinated in general by the creativity inherent in mistakes (superglue and penicillin for example were mistakes). More particularly, in a teaching situation where what seems...
I am fascinated in general by the creativity inherent in mistakes (superglue and penicillin for example were mistakes). More particularly, in a teaching situation where what seems...
Mind in Motion by Gill Clarke (1954-2011)
A video documentary commissioned by Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin by Video Maker Becky Edmunds, analysing the artistic and pedagogical approach of Gill Clarke within a r...
A video documentary commissioned by Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin by Video Maker Becky Edmunds, analysing the artistic and pedagogical approach of Gill Clarke within a r...
Ana Stegnar's class experience
the tsunami and the seaweed
the tsunami and the seaweed
Amsterdam Teachers Group - A’dam Initiative #1
The A’dam Initiative #1 is a proposed ‘plan of action’ for dance-teaching research and documentation created by the local (IDOCDE) Amsterdam teachers group within the framewo...
The A’dam Initiative #1 is a proposed ‘plan of action’ for dance-teaching research and documentation created by the local (IDOCDE) Amsterdam teachers group within the framewo...

By [Multiple Creators]

Treasure Hunt
An informative and playful event during the Symposium in three parts: Introduction to the IDOCDE website; exchange lunch play in small groups; gathering, sharing and lottery win.
An informative and playful event during the Symposium in three parts: Introduction to the IDOCDE website; exchange lunch play in small groups; gathering, sharing and lottery win.

By [Multiple Creators]

Florance Augendre's class experience
The amazing experience of warming up only with breathing!
The amazing experience of warming up only with breathing!
Contemporary Flow class documentation
An impression of a class I taught to a few 2nd and 3rd year students of the Jazz and Musical Dance Department of the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. The class is intend...
An impression of a class I taught to a few 2nd and 3rd year students of the Jazz and Musical Dance Department of the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. The class is intend...
Contemporary dance class description
A general description of my Contemporary dance class at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
A general description of my Contemporary dance class at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Open structure – TTT Budapest 2013
What happens if we close seven dance teachers for seven days in a studio and tell them to do whatever they want? The Workshop Foundation’s program entitled Teaching the Teacher...
What happens if we close seven dance teachers for seven days in a studio and tell them to do whatever they want? The Workshop Foundation’s program entitled Teaching the Teacher...