Sunday , Second of June, 2013
It was a great surprising start of our TTT week in Belgium.
TTT stands for Teaching The Teachers . It is an initiative from Jardin d'Europe which aims at giving an answer to a European dance scene in need of new teaching and training methods in the field of Contemporary Dance, taking into account the various forms enriching dance creation nowadays, such as dramaturgy, scenography, lighting, visual arts practices, transforming movement into film/image, dance photography. Respective activities e.g. workshops, lasting each of them about ten days - are taking place at the relevant intiatives/venues of the participating co-organisers (Ultima Vez for Brussels )
Sunny cold day outside and 10 of us happy to finally meet on a studio.
Ana's class introduction didn't describe how hard it actually was. it felt good to move again. it was good to start the week with something so physical, hard but nice!!
Ana talked about endurance, and it was true: on the jumping session, there was a moment where we think we can't go further , but she guides us with images such as a party, and we continue until we surpass that moment and we arrive until the end. We resist. When we were just walking to cool down afterwards I felt my weight backwards, like I was a bit drunk and always falling back.
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After the physical/ warming up part, we improvise, than we strech, than we "meditate" and than we move again. And with no emotional information, there is a very deep , internal state that comes to me on the mediatation part, and I start to dance in a very different, unrecognizable way afterwards.
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This was the moment of the morning where Ana suggest that people who would like to document should get their eletronic devices and others could continue to move. I chose to move because I was unable to deal with any documenting material at that moment. Ana asks us to be together with the others who decide to move, but I could not, I wanted to be alone and I could hardly move. So, I stayed alone for a while and I was trying to deal with the cold I was feeling inside of me, a cold that could be warm, a warm cold feeling. Such a deep emotional state, a bit sad, bu very delicate... so I pushed myself to move with this feeling and little by little I could move more and in a way that it was new for me and open to the others... we had nice moments dancing together where I lost myself on it and where I was not aware of what I was doing.
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Ana asks the documenters to try to feel their devices and be with the dancers. I was not aware of the cameras there at all. In this sense, I was a good subject, when the subject forgets that it's been filmed.
We were asked to do a cadavre exquis and Ana posted on our studio wall next day. Here is the picture!
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hi juliana, great class documentation!
i have a few questions: who is ana (last name?) - could you also use her name as a tag please?
also, could you please add a few words about what ttt is (i know but probably most don't) and the date of the class? thank you!
Thank you Kerstin! I did all the changes. I appreciate the feedback! see you soon in Vienna.

hello Juliana, great Idoc... just one comment , i have already made an idoc with the picture i took during Ana' s class and i find a bit redundant to have them two times. May be it is good to keep the one of you because it illustrate well what you are saying about being a good subject and delete the others...
see you tomorrow