In the Finnish IDOCDE local workshop I went through this process of remaking a vaguely remembered score that I learned from Alice Chauchat. Coincidentally, the next day I found a version of her original score published in a book that I had brought to the local workshop thinking that it might be a nice resource. I had no idea that the book contained Alice's score.
So here you find documented my failed/creatively remade reconstruction and the original score for "Collective Sensations practice" as published in "everybodys performance scores".
On the one hand it's nice to have clear documentation, on the other hand not having documentation and relying merely on the trace left in one's body of an experience can be a creative state to find oneself in.
The score is for a group of people.
Taking ten minutes own time to arrive into moving following our individual interests.
Then we take turns sharing with the group by announcing out loud a detail of something that we are attending to while we are moving.
The task is to work in the realm of what we are actually perceiving.
The form we take is to say: "I am perceiving ... ".
For example, "I am perceiving the weight of my hair", "I am perceiving my feet touching the floor" or "I am perceiving the space between my vertebrae".
Once we share a detail to the group then as a group we give it time to be heard.
Our task as individuals is to notice how or if hearing this detail affects, changes or somehow becomes integrated into how we are moving or perceiving ourselves moving.
After 20 minutes of this then we switch to a more metaphorical mode.
The task is to work in the realm of the imagination of sensation.
The form we take is to say: "I am imagining ... " with what we are imagining being rooted in the body although it could be a non-human body.
For example, "I imagine my spine is a string of pearls", "I imagine my arms are wings", or, "I imagine that my bones are hot air ballons"