IDOC Type:
In Folders:
- FULL NAME: Eszter Gál
- EMAIL ADRESS: eszter@kontaktbudapest.hu
- PHONE NUMBER: +36 70 3389932
- KEY TEACHER (YES/NO. if yes, which partner organization?): Yes, Workshop Fundation
An informative and playful event during the Symposium, where the IDOCDE website will be introduced, its basic function and use will be explained by an invited expert guest. After that a 60 minutes time will be given to all participants to work in small groups and play, surf, find out what is on the site, get to know it AND search for a particular hidden information: a „TREASURE”. During that hour guidance and help will be provided. To finish the event all are going to gather and see if the TREASURE has been found. If yes, a lottery win will bring this 3 hour into a closing!
The 3 parts:
1 – begin with an introduction of the site by an expert, someone other then a mentor or key teacher (45min)
2 - split into small groups of 3 or 4 with one laptop and spending 60 minutes playing with the website with the possibility to ask 4 or 5 “experts” (who are not being part of any of the groups, but helping and supporting if needed, they should be in a specific place, easily can be found by the groups if they get lost during the work on the site). The groups can also have lunch while they play and talk by using the website to find “things” - also a hidden treasure (it is previously done)
3 – coming back together as a whole group and give a short feedback on the journey and also see who found the “treasure” and have a “lottery” amongst them. The "winner" gets a surprise price!
- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (about 60 words; for publishing)
An informative and playful event during the Symposium, where the IDOCDE website will be introduced, its basic function and use will be explained by an invited expert guest. After that a 60 minutes time will be given to all participants to work in small groups and play, surf, find out what is on the site, get to know it AND search for a particular hidden information: a „TREASURE”. During that hour guidance and help will be provided. To finish the event all are going to gather and see if the TREASURE has been found. If yes, a lottery win will bring this 3 hour into a closing!
- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (for publishing):
Eszter Gál, H: A dancer, teacher, choreographer, working at theTheater and Film Universityin Budapest. She is the artistic director of Kontakt Budapest Studio and the annual International Improvisation Festival in Budapest. She is a certified Skinner Releasing Technique teacher. She has been teaching, performing, collaborating in International performance projects and festivals in Europe, Russia and in the US since 1998.
- TIME REQUEST: 2 hours
- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc): beamer, computer(s)
- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): normal size, „black box”
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