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Laban/Bartenieff symposium activity Live Documentation Group discussion/reflection documentation website practice discussion co-teaching contemporary language Video Stolzenhagen spiral dance teachers Belgium talks discussion idocde teaching together exchange Lecture documentary interview dialogue Opening performance teaching playfulness Symposium program Form[less]? shared teaching LEAP meeting sharing methods surrealism time awareness improvisation movement exploration presentation
17 matches found |
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Teaching the Values of Practice and the Practice of Values in HE.
This presentation reflects on the experience of developing an integrated approach to technical and creative study within a dance conservatoire setting in the higher education secto...
This presentation reflects on the experience of developing an integrated approach to technical and creative study within a dance conservatoire setting in the higher education secto...
By [Multiple Creators]
1 appreciation 2469 views
Treasure Hunt
An informative and playful event during the Symposium in three parts: Introduction to the IDOCDE website; exchange lunch play in small groups; gathering, sharing and lottery win.
An informative and playful event during the Symposium in three parts: Introduction to the IDOCDE website; exchange lunch play in small groups; gathering, sharing and lottery win.
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 2736 views
[FFTD] what is the language we use when guiding?
Sharing teaching in three on the theme of space; The sensation and the experience of the created spaces (inner and outer) brought us to contact improvisation, then to releasing an...
Sharing teaching in three on the theme of space; The sensation and the experience of the created spaces (inner and outer) brought us to contact improvisation, then to releasing an...
2 appreciations 669 views
Documentation of the Belgium group proposal of Stolzenhagen.
Documentation of the Belgium group proposal of Stolzenhagen.
0 appreciations 644 views
2nd LEAP Local Meeting Vienna, 29th July, 2014
The meeting took place during the ImPulsTanz Festival in Vienna, on the 29th of July, 2014, from 4 to 8 pm, facilitated by Kerstin Kussmaul and Eszter Gál.
The meeting took place during the ImPulsTanz Festival in Vienna, on the 29th of July, 2014, from 4 to 8 pm, facilitated by Kerstin Kussmaul and Eszter Gál.
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 2418 views
Home at the symposium
During the symposium "teach me(not)!" I gave a one hour lecture on the didactical methods used in the project HOME with teenage children from children homes in Moldova, Ukraine and...
During the symposium "teach me(not)!" I gave a one hour lecture on the didactical methods used in the project HOME with teenage children from children homes in Moldova, Ukraine and...
By [Multiple Creators]
1 appreciation 3922 views
Informal campfire talks around the theme Teaching Form[less]? from 20:15 outdoors!
Informal campfire talks around the theme Teaching Form[less]? from 20:15 outdoors!
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 3121 views
tête-à-tête on a carpet ride
This hour is open for anyone who wishes to ask questions around the theme of form & formless or Teaching Form[less]? in a one-on-one situation.Those wish to witness the tête-à-t...
This hour is open for anyone who wishes to ask questions around the theme of form & formless or Teaching Form[less]? in a one-on-one situation.Those wish to witness the tête-à-t...
By [Multiple Creators]
1 appreciation 3155 views
Opening of the 3rd IDOCDE Symposium 2015
Friday the 24th of July, 2015 the +rd IDOCDE Symposium opens at 16:15. Welcome & Orientation by the Project Team. Teaching Form[less]? with Shelley Senter (US )
Friday the 24th of July, 2015 the +rd IDOCDE Symposium opens at 16:15. Welcome & Orientation by the Project Team. Teaching Form[less]? with Shelley Senter (US )
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 3174 views
Treasure Hunt
An informative and playful event during the 3rd IDOCDE Symposium, where we share the IDOCDE vision and initiate the dialogue on the website as it serves as a central documentation...
An informative and playful event during the 3rd IDOCDE Symposium, where we share the IDOCDE vision and initiate the dialogue on the website as it serves as a central documentation...
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 790 views