IDOC Type:
In Folders:
Greta Granderath
Defne Erdur
Eszter Gál
Toranika Washington
Mzamo Nondwana
Kerstin Kussmaul
A brainstormed collection of questions, statements, interests
Not always having the "words" to explain/describe my work. Need options to communicate my intentions.
that dance is not (always) form
What do I actually teach?
Which examples/exercises can make a difference in the every day life? (had this experience with Feldenkrais Method)
Somatic based contemporary class question: List, explain, define or describe the most important elements to teach/introduce to ages 14-18 in the first month of classes. Classes are only 45 min long.
Is performance a technique? How to emphasise performance in a class?
What is your regular practice? How do you sustain it?
Relation between
language & voice---------------> dance techniques, styles
music in training / personal habits
your training history
How would it sound to teach dance in a made-up/fake language?
Could there be any benefits incorporating social media into your teaching?
What constitutes a dance methodology?
BEGINNERS' MIND (?) -> teachers / learners / both
Use of Music - recorded /live (choice making, application)
How to TEACH autonomy?
What are the "basics" a 1st year student (dancer/actor) in an institution needs to learn / experience?
How to keep on teaching in an aging body?
Long term / regular versus short term / workshop teaching - learning (?)
How to balance learning, digesting and sharing? - as a teacher
How can a technique not letting get into the way of dancing?
How can you not be somatic?
How do you make your students interested in anatomy? (teens and/or young adults)
How to build trust as a male teacher, teaching ordinary school children?
After the collection has been made we decided to teach a class either in our own language that noone else spoke, or in a "made up" language or without words.
- Each of us lead a short session, when all were done we reflected on the experience.
- Discussed the way we rely on language and its connection to demonstration and how the teacher embodying the "meaning" .
We closed with sharing information about the upcoming Symposium.