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mentoring dramaturgy articulation Feldenkrais Movement Research partnerwork Partnerwork Hands-on Partner Work BMC Imgard Bartenieff Laban/Bartenieff symposium activity Live Documentation Group discussion/reflection Meg Stuart Off Course Dance creation Somatic and Visual Art. somatics internal martial arts partnering spiraling improvisation sacrum sternum occiput BMC Louise Chardon anatomy somatic sensation contemporary dance teaching methods partnerwork education documentation creation artistic research partners Contact Acrobatics choreo-lab Contemporary Dance partnering improvisation & composition repertory Partnering improvisation class salsa all kind of couple dancing with contemporary teaching and artistc practice improvisation technique group developmental movement patterns navel space-six limbs relationships teaching contemporary teachnique inclusive improvisation choreography arts and craft Space Laban Dance in Cambodia Amrita Performing arts body memory performance Dance Movement Therapy Performance Art Dance Body Playing Limits teaching kids toolkit artistic practice indeterminableness in dancing improvisational dance work graphic art students relationships motivation learn and teach attention confidence freedom The shape: starting from a feeling and arises from an observation. The bodies present. The risk zone and exhibition. Opening to the unusual experience. artistic research in social fields Education movement and dance education; arts education; kinesthetic awareness; embodied knowledge; meditation and mindfulness; transformative learning. partnering Partner Work Space awareness comunication Acrobatics Contact improvisation martial arts consent and boundaries symposium proposal Contact Improvisation Exploration artistic process Art Meaning Experience poetry Photography surrealism contact improvisation improvisation scores trios documentation of artistic research reflection dance history self-study anti-colonialism antifascism somatics contactimprovisation Body Mind Centering transmission choreographic piece interview Collaborative choreographic process choreographer-dancer relationship creativity choreographic protocols speaking and moving collaboration choreographic process Collaboration Choreographic Notation music Choreographic designs and Improvisation scores Interdependence and Relation Cultivation of a Physical Culture Flocking Behaviour composition class Choreographic Thinking Teaching Beginners Teaching Online
47 matches found

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From DRAMAturgy to ARTiculation
How to »invent« tools to communicate? How to »educate« not to be educative? How to »grip« the idea of the author? How to »articulate« material in order to open-up the sp...
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By (inactive user) Eligible Member
5 appreciations    4818 views

Feldenkrais Practice - Movement Research - Partner Work
This IDOC documents a general introduction and description of a team-teaching format that connects the Feldenkrais Method to contemporary dance an performance practice. The conten...
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By (inactive user)
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the essence of my teaching
This is an IDOC of a 10 minutes-class about my "essence of teaching", given at the Vienna IDOCDE meeting on August 7, 2012 General theme: Getting into contact with yourself and...
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By (inactive user)
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Feldenkrais Practice - Movement Research - Partner Work / Exempla...
This IDOC documents an examplary lesson and is linked to the IDOC about the general structure and content of a team-teaching format by Sascha Krausneker and Gerog Blaschke with the...
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By (inactive user)
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Notes Class from the class of Roos van Berkel. Developmental patt...
This is a very personal documentation about the class of Roos van Berkel developmental patterning. It is more a summary. Recalling words, and physical experience. The developmental...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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Teaching the Values of Practice and the Practice of Values in HE.
This presentation reflects on the experience of developing an integrated approach to technical and creative study within a dance conservatoire setting in the higher education secto...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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After - Meg Stuart's "Off Course"
Below is a text I wrote (published in İstanpoli: Başka İstanbul Var! / Istanpoli: There is Another Istanbul, Garajistanbul Yayınları: İstanbul, 2011, pp: 88-91.) after two-we...
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By Bedirhan Dehmen
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Ph.D in Dance and Somatic.
Title in English: “Body-Mind Centering® and the sense of motion in (un)balance: elementary principles and techniques, in dance creation, by poetics in the dancing lines of Pau...
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Falling Leaves
This is a class proposal for K3. The class is focusing on spiraling and partnering based on internal martial arts and the drawing game Spirograph
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By Robin Berkelmans Eligible Member
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The earth under the deep blue sea
I've got the epiphany! Focus, experience and perception on the relation among sternum, occiput and sacrum and how they 'communicate'.
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By Erika Faccini
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