Structure of class:
Introduction: naming where the ‘developmental patterning is coming from Irmgard Bartenieff and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen.
Working forms:
-Circle: moment to introduce each other
- Individual exploration free in space
- Couple work, free in space
Roos took us trough 6 developmental stages of movement.
Stage 1:
Breath/ Amoeba
-Make your self’s as small as possible. Breath. Breath with the all body. Breath shrinks and expands.
-Peaceful state. Resting. Listening to your own breath.
Stage 2.
Core distal/ Starfish
-Folding unfolding. Reaching and contracting.
-From small to big. From baby to starfish.
-6 extremity: arms, legs, head and tail. Like tentacles exploring the space.
-Expanding. Waking up. Collecting. Body surfaces
Stage 3.
Spinal/ Fish
-Head and tail leading. Discovering environment.
-Attention: desire driven.
-Curiosity. Opening up. Discovering.
Stage 4
Homologus/ upper lower. Frog
-From attention to intention.
-Upper lower: starting to use arms and legs. Starting to push. Push away.
Stage 5
Homolateral/ body half. Lizard
-Homologus: push from feet. Reach from hand same side.
- Reaching. Conquering space
Stage 6
-Crosslateral/ the tiger
- Crawling. Initiation from feet.
-Sense of stability. Diagonal connection in body.
Stage 7
Cross lateral/ Biped. Human
- Walking
- Aware of connection with floor, initiation feet. Diagonal connection in body