General theme:
Getting into contact with yourself and the space through the touch of a partner.
Setting and structure:
Go in couples. Start in standing.
One partner closes the eyes, the other places both hands along the spine as close as much to the skeleton. The blindfolded person starts to move, the other follows the movements with the hands touching, sensing how all the rest of his/her body responds.
Giving enough time to explore the qualities of touching, e.g. sensing differences bewteeen a more sliding or a more punctual contact through fingers.
Giving options to shift the awareness from a more analytical / anatomical perception and experience to a more sensual openess and freedom to move together.
Trading roles. (each couple 4 minutes). Then leave the contacts go.
The last 2 minutes everybody opens the eyes and moves alone in space, integrating qualities and a possible ressonance of the touch into a personal irnage of moving and how it connects to the vision of the surrounding space.
Personal reflexions and questions:
Time as a component of the experience? How do my words that are introduced at the beginning about "time" influence further experiences of the participants?
How many and which instructions and in which timing are necessary to guide rather than to teach a process, a process that opens a basically non-judgemental field of self-exploration with a partner?
How much do i myself move within that field or mirror the groups' experience myself, am I more inside or outside the process? In this context It is valuable to note how another outside observer and documentalist, in this case with a camera, is experienced by myself, the goup and is experiencing himself within that field.
It is highly interesting that even within that small and reduced setting of 10 minutes and the participation of just 2 couples the same indications lead both to very different proposals in the detail but after a while also to a general quality and dynamics of a group movement.
At the beginning I was doubtful that I could bring an essence into a version of ten minutes when time itself is considered as en essential component of my teaching, but then it turned out to work in a way and that experience was particularily possible through a process of sharing beteeen the participants afterwards.
I attach two images of participants, inspired by the experience of the class.

check out maRia (probst)'s description from a participants prospective!