IDOC Folders » Essence of Our Teaching
Created by Defne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher | 2012.08.07

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Georg Blaschke s essence of teaching at the local key teache...
short description of Georg Blaschke s class on spine, personal experience, thoughts on learning
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By maRia Probst
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the essence of my teaching
This is an IDOC of a 10 minutes-class about my "essence of teaching", given at the Vienna IDOCDE meeting on August 7, 2012 General theme: Getting into contact with yourself and the space...
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By (inactive user)
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matthew smith's essence of teaching at the local key teacher...
I am curious about Matt's essence of teaching because he is interested in similar things as I am - so I decided to look at similarities and differences in both content and methods of his tea...
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By Kerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member
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Essence of Our Teaching - Introduction
This article is based on a practice proposed by Kerstin Kussmaul and facilitated by Defne Erdur in a “class” format at the first day and facilitated by Kerstin in another format the seco...
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By Defne Erdur Eligible Member
1    2319