The matching IDOCs also contained the following tags. Click to append to the above search field:
teaching together water street observation Voice Contemporary Dance Inaki Azpillaga Robert Hayden water dance documentation symposium activity Water Documentation release technique physical dance Acrobatics Ideokinesis Water movement kinesthetics respiration ideokinesis water movement spirals kundalini warm up Acrobatics dance notation movement writing Water movement
7 matches found |
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“Co-taught class including outer-environment exploration, group wandering through the neighborhood, visualization of places and objects, training of reflex imagery and words asso...
“Co-taught class including outer-environment exploration, group wandering through the neighborhood, visualization of places and objects, training of reflex imagery and words asso...

By [Multiple Creators]

Iñaki Azpillaga and Robert Hayden's class experience
dancing words and water dance
dancing words and water dance
[FFTD] Got water?
IDOCDE Symposium Saturday July 27th 14:30 32°C Tending to the greek meaning of Symposium of festivities and discussions
IDOCDE Symposium Saturday July 27th 14:30 32°C Tending to the greek meaning of Symposium of festivities and discussions
Too much documentation?
This topic comes up in discussions... and I don't have an answer here and now. Just some thoughts in the Vienna summer heat.
This topic comes up in discussions... and I don't have an answer here and now. Just some thoughts in the Vienna summer heat.
Water madness Idea
“Even in physical extremities, the sensation of the “light” can never be lost”
“Even in physical extremities, the sensation of the “light” can never be lost”

By [Multiple Creators]

water madness vol2 documentation of class/
Class documentation is based on the 5 day profitraining of Sonia Ntova- from 10.00-11.30 /Tanzhaus Zurich june 2014 Comments from Marco Volta,he took the class as participant....
Class documentation is based on the 5 day profitraining of Sonia Ntova- from 10.00-11.30 /Tanzhaus Zurich june 2014 Comments from Marco Volta,he took the class as participant....

By [Multiple Creators]

[FFTD] Notation of teaching movements.Important or not?
Notation is accurate , efficient, permanent and scientific. It requires a little brainwork, patience, time and a degree of effort. It also requires enough imagination to see at lea...
Notation is accurate , efficient, permanent and scientific. It requires a little brainwork, patience, time and a degree of effort. It also requires enough imagination to see at lea...