This class aims to train the dancer, by reminding the body how to protect from injuries. play with different dynamics of water movement.
Body awareness. knowledge and repetition of pattens/positions,in terms to protect the body in a non bodily concentrated situation. (eg improvisation by emotional physical expression)
Work kinesthesis by changing different levels and planes, awareness of the extremities
Spiral movement. grounding /earthing the energy
The class approaches basic principles of release technique and Physical Dance, applying at the same time the meaning of the liquid/ fluid element in the body.
We study body mechanisms that allow us, to reach physical extremities, protecting simultaneously our body.
Physical expression in every level: Warm up, floor work and kinetic paths in to space based in the dynamic of water.
Flow- drip – burst – decoy- drift- adjust- swept
Time, rhythmical respiration, Different fluid paths/ styles.
The water movement drives either to avoidance meanders or to the creation of prepared fluid barriers. It is the timing, the rhythmical respiration and the different fluid styles that will help us to realize the power of the wavy movement either in our body or in the space generally. The rhythm of the respiration starts as a wave , it synchronize with the movement so that it can configures the divers kinetic dynamic of water.
Life, including humans' being, has configured from the movement of water/.
It is a research based on the status of water movement, as it configures life in the body but in the wider world as well.
Basically, it is a body research regarded as a “fluid” system that constantly takes new shapes and uses different dynamics.
This workshop it has taken place at: Kinoume studio, Professional school of dance (Thessaloniki, Greece), Tanzhaus Zurich, Tanzburo Basel
photos: kinoume studio, thessaloniki, greece , march 2014