IDOCs » [FFTD] Notation of teaching movements.Important or not?
Notation is accurate , efficient, permanent and scientific. It requires a little brainwork, patience, time and a degree of effort. It also requires enough imagination to see at least some of the value of its usefulness now and in the future. First and last, it requires acceptance to a new idea. En exact knowledge of the signs indicating the flow of movement in the body is necessary to read and write notation. In order to be intelligent and practical, a notation system should be able to describe all the potential movements in a specific activity as well as the characteristics individuality in appearance. As a proficient notator one must be orderly and neat with a quick eye, analytical mind and a good rythmic sence. Mary Ann Hoyle 1963 I am asking: do a teacher need, in order to become faster and smarter trying or learn how to make notation of his own movement vocabulary?? 'Don't get it right, get it written'.

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