After teaching a couple of times of Water madness vol1 session (http://www.idocde.net/idocs/798) , I started analysing and try to find a better path to insert people into water sensation as they dance or live.
I noticed that here is a blockage , and tension to many dancers (especially to neck and sternum) as the move. Is it because all the physical ,compact dance that provoke this to dancers or is it finally stress of our society (pc work)?
As, it is was a profitraining class and not a workshop with specific participants. The problem with different participants every days occurred with result not to apply everything that I had planned.
So, this is another attempt to find water movement , outside or inside our body, to create relaxation , joy and sensation of freedom in our dance, even if we insert our body in extreme situations (acrobatics) .
I describe the structure of the class and the combination that I gave all week. It is not been described the gradually development.
Warm up :
starts with activate the kundalini energy. It has a lot of circular movement that activates the different center , especially to the upper side of our track . ( in the previous workshop, I noticed , that participants block the respiration in the sternum area,) So we did a lot of movement of the track as a wam up . They feel more awake and they let the respiration travel in all the abdominal cavity , sternum and neck.
Running in cyrcles, Front back . Clockwise , anticlockwise.
Streching: psoas, sides, back, legs, stimulate nerves.
and enforcement exercises. side Abdominals, Back muschles, arms.
Ideokinesis exercise: Roll and float in corridor: 2 different ideokinesis. 1st: The body floats in the water.Suspend , the skin feels the density of the water. 2nd: the body is a trank that encloses water. It is a barrier. So how can the sensation change completely?the dynamic becomes more playful as well.
Floor exercise with swings, slides, rolls / Continuity. How I can insert the dynamic of floating in a combination. Without bumping and tension.
I have to accept the physics iof the body. I have to send all the centers of my body in the correct direction. Most of them to the floor.
Spiral turn (chase the leg) fall and roll. superwoman, draw the space, twist the pelvis to bring your self up with an en dedans turn initiated by the foot.
Rythmical exercise.Swing exercise by the arms, Transfer to space. Use double tempo to the movement of the head. Arms in 3/4, legs:4/4, Head: 2/4
Turns1: Twirling using spiral dynamic and roundness of the arms. Fingers gives the direction ofthe turn.
Turns2: diagonal turn with a jump because of the twist of the pelvis and the opposite movement of the arms.
Combination: jumps, twist, snake ,small tornado, propele. rolls. drops. Combination with different dynamic, fluitdity and space.
Detailed description of the last combination:
left step- right step, drop head and half en dehors turnto the right leg (initiation of the left foot). Keep the alignment of the table position, plie and jump, bring the knees close to your trunk as you twist. Meet the floor and continue the twist of the pelvis by transferring to space, until you launch right leg front. Big grounded position and creation of a big wavy movement, from the head passes to sternum,belly pelvis. At this point, push the right leg and bring the weight to the back leg as you continue having a small suspension in the arch position . Big 2 stable steps backwards, change the orientation {corner 6} (and place the body in a 4th position, as you whip (starts from the lower back, shoulder blade, shoulder arm, fingers/ succession) Connect the movement, bending to the side , to the back, place the right arm, place the elbow and create a spiral turn by projecting head and sternum up, having the image of a propel. Bring weight to the front , open right leg to the side, Rebound, by pushing the floor (with arms)step with the right leg (middle level) cross left leg from the back (higher level) {opposite directions} 2 steps to corner 2, alignment. Project body to space. Drop all centres down in an embryo position (right side to the floor) Roll, push the floor with the arms and arch head and leg. As you pass from the middle , take the weight to the right side ,(push with right arm) pass the weight in your front (roll keeping the embryo position and then I arch leg and head staying on one side) and again develop a whip in the right side (middle level). Push your centre back and down (corpse) Roll back to your right shoulder, roll front to your left shoulder, Ripple to come to a 4th position. Roll towards the right and helicopter with my feet until you find again 4th position. Suspension by taking centre and weight vertically up , and change the directions of the knees. Place left arm far in the back diagonal. Walk fast (middle level)until you lock the body around the arm {anticlockwise} Jump/ twirl up and down.(change the position of the legs- right leg to the fllor , left bended under my shitbone, as i jump-twirl , I change their position ) Finally, I throw and drop the body to the front.
Relaxation :in barrel, pass to squash, roll up , expand arms to the side (give and take energy) pass the arms to the front, Waterfalls falling from shoulder till the top of the fingers. 3 cyrcles of breathing. inhale from the back , exhale from both sides/ top of the head/ sacrum.