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feedback Improvisation Teaching Feedback Questions Answers recycling idoc documentation feedback texts documentation writing Touch Poetic documentation Feedback system Drawing as feedback feedback system composition poetic documentation touch eye-hand coordination documentation as feedback system Lisa Nelson Teaching Practice Contact Improvisation exercices Student Feedbacks Teaching Notes Movement Analysis reflection what do / can words evoke? symposium symposium activity feedback Symposium Feedback French audio Poetic feedback poetry symposium somatics release technique Ideokinesis BMC drawing improvisation performance fascia improvisation score Duo/dialogue Dance score Drawing teaching / assessment password reset Teaching abstract documentation class description class documentation LEAP teacher residency Grenoble LEAP teacher residency essentials of a class Release Class contemporary technique class Stolzenhagen class proposal perception feldenkrais malcom mannings class student evaluation improvisation/composition Assessment documenting as a relationship composition class dance autonomy classes students gi gong the dancer the class the esoteric influences contemporary dance contact improvisation site-specific contemporary technique Somatic Anja Bornsek Class aerial dance technique Nervous system science fascia proprioception perception Matthew Smith movement exploration Composition class technique class improvisation/composition fascia anatomy improvisation documentation Contemporary Dance Liquid Matrix Tomas Danielis Exploration Improvisation Space Class formats improvisation Books Writing Drawing Reading Overlapping Documentation memory of sensations drawing as dance document BMC® Tuning scores Saturday Morning Class: Andrea + snapshots of gatherings idocde conference Wien July 13 class: to let go and begin again recycling class two sides of touch Vienna symposium video Jenny Beyer Antoine Effroy Alexander Kerschner David Zambrano Flying low Passing through Composition teaching Tunings scores BMC® Ballet for Beginners Improvisation/Contemporary Dance for Classical Dancers release technique physical dance Acrobatics Ideokinesis Water movement kinesthetics Skinner Releasing Technique research presentation improvisation class music amateurs Contemporary Dance technique-class deatiled class description (step by step) alignment spirales training TAB Psoas connection myoreflex TAB Quality Teach Me (Not) Open Class Professional Gravity Breath Release Yoga Rolfing releasing technique Technique class Brasilian Jiu Jitsu strength floor work Reflektion einer Klassenbeschreibung Partnering improvisation class salsa all kind of couple dancing with contemporary movment and documentation movment writing drawing teaching job teaching experience networking teaching residency LEAP ultimate phrase the ultimate phrase transposition of media multitasking Gabriele Wittmann OSDYRE improvisation class creative process contemporary mainly release technique improvisation somatics ballet Reviewed. Luis Lara Malvacias workshop at Le Pacifique DCD Grenoble France: Resistance Delay Accumulation and Mobilization. reflexes Developmental ballet modern improvisation somatics neuromuscular fascilitation sensorial The poetry of technique: an exploratory contemporary dance class dance class and workshop presentation Helenita Sá Earp Dance Fundamentals integration warmup tuning Training Composition class dance history Technique class improvisation Fascia Myoreflex teaching movement exploration psoas creative process classes & workshops flyer amoebas coexistence posthumanism Egyptian trance Practice Repetition form mass trance concentration connection duration spiral staying with it following/leading Class for Improvisation/Composition for a class for dance students at the zhdk . Treasure Hunt surfing contact movement class for actors & dancers warming up class description music appreciation ear training improvisation The Choreography of Documenation Performance Writing Associative writing Website assessment non proffesional website improvisation class repertory state-based research Movement Research pole dance metaphor duet spirals circles serpentine contemporary dance class economical danning / moving somatics improvisation class dance education body awareness nature elements worms invasive species approximation physical practice isolation drawing as refelxive tool REFLEX dance style task difficulty movement learning motion capture experiential anatomy k3 training initiative Intuition Gaga mind the dance PHONÉSIE as a performative practice of mixing three tracks: dance voice and sense Contemporary Dance Class in Couple Marcial Arts tensegrity Choreographic Thinking Teaching Beginners Teaching Online Symposium 2017 Resistance Fantasies Education Learning/unlearning Transmission Pass On edible documentation real time documentation fascia as narrator Mind the Dance Lab Fascia as narrator Coaching Scratchin the script Improvisation Movement Research Documentation Drawing Visual Landscape teaching Modern Dance children dance improvisation imagination technique class description Real Time Documentation Encounter and Context Fasica as Narrator idocde award Erasmus+ self-study artistic research anti-colonialism antifascism
151 matches found |
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Observation and Feedback are an Integral Part of the Teaching Pro...
How we Educate Dance Teachers and Inspire Them to Deepen Their Teaching Practice - Presentation of one example by the Dance Department of Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultu...
How we Educate Dance Teachers and Inspire Them to Deepen Their Teaching Practice - Presentation of one example by the Dance Department of Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultu...
Questions Feedback Score
Questions score which I developed through out a co-teaching improvisation & composition class in Bethanien, Berlin, June 2012.
Questions score which I developed through out a co-teaching improvisation & composition class in Bethanien, Berlin, June 2012.
one moment of ALL recycling class antoine effroy & jenny beyer vi...
texts written by participants in the end of the ALL-recycling class on 27th of july at "the return of the idoc"/ Vienna. the class was based on idocs that document anouk liaurens's...
texts written by participants in the end of the ALL-recycling class on 27th of july at "the return of the idoc"/ Vienna. the class was based on idocs that document anouk liaurens's...

By [Multiple Creators]

"The two sides of touch" ImpulsTanz - Vienna- 22/07/2013
In this IDOC you will find the description of the first class of the workshop and two audio recordings. In the first one, each participant tells their name and why they choose this...
In this IDOC you will find the description of the first class of the workshop and two audio recordings. In the first one, each participant tells their name and why they choose this...
"The two sides of touch" ImpulsTanz - Vienna- 23/07/2013
In this IDOC you will find the presentation of the second class of the workshop, drawings made by the participants, video portraits made while they where drawing and an audio rec...
In this IDOC you will find the presentation of the second class of the workshop, drawings made by the participants, video portraits made while they where drawing and an audio rec...
"The two sides of touch" ImpulsTanz - Vienna- 24/07/2013
In this IDOC you will find the program for the third day of the workshop, drawings made by participants as Explorers and Environments and short video filmed by Watchers.
In this IDOC you will find the program for the third day of the workshop, drawings made by participants as Explorers and Environments and short video filmed by Watchers.
"The two sides of touch" ImpulsTanz - Vienna- 25/07/2013
In this IDOC you will find the description of the fourth day of the workshop and videos of the same duet filmed by three different "watchers".
In this IDOC you will find the description of the fourth day of the workshop and videos of the same duet filmed by three different "watchers".
"The two sides of touch" ImpulsTanz - Vienna- 26/07/2013
In this IDOC, you will find the description of the last day of the workshop, some terms I have used during the week, video fragments of the sharing and audio recording with each pa...
In this IDOC, you will find the description of the last day of the workshop, some terms I have used during the week, video fragments of the sharing and audio recording with each pa...
Sharing Visions - proposal for IDOCDE Symposium 2014
A proposal to share Visions, my on going research about poetic and multi modal dance documentation. A two hours session that will combine a video presentation, a sensorial exp...
A proposal to share Visions, my on going research about poetic and multi modal dance documentation. A two hours session that will combine a video presentation, a sensorial exp...
CATI CI Class Notes 1 / ÇATI Kontak Atölyesi Notları 1 @ 10.11...
This idoc is a working/researching document for me and my colleague & assitant Veysel Özdemir on the 8 session long (every sunday for 2 hours). Beginner Level Contact Improvisatio...
This idoc is a working/researching document for me and my colleague & assitant Veysel Özdemir on the 8 session long (every sunday for 2 hours). Beginner Level Contact Improvisatio...

By [Multiple Creators]