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Anouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » "The two sides of touch" ImpulsTanz - Vienna- 23/07/2013
In this IDOC you will find the presentation of the second class of the workshop, drawings made by the participants, video portraits made while they where drawing and an audio recordings of a selection of what participant wrote about their drawing experience.

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 Documentation as a reflexive tool for movement and composition awareness

 The aim of the class is to train perception and composition awareness through the dialogue between a sensorial exploration and its documentation.We will take a score from Lisa Nelson as  a daily movement practice. I have named this score " The two sides of touch”. We will document this practice with drawing, filming, writing and talking scores. Participants will circulate between all modes and uses them as reflexive tools to unfold their movement and performance awareness. The multi-sensorial and polyphonic documentation built up along the week, will operate as a feedback system: Students will understand and communicate their point of view through the documents they will produce. In that way they will share their knowledge and teach each others.

You can find the whole description of the workshop here:


23/07/2013, Day 2: With Jenny Beyer, Gaja Karolczak, Magda, Mariah Martens, Dicle Dogan and Dila Yumurtaci.


 I played  the audio recordings of  Day 1  while participants where arriving and laying on the floor.


 I presented the program for the day: Playing the movement score, drawing, writting, selecting and recording.


 Like the day before,  we practiced  "The two sides of touch” a score from Lisa Nelson.  In a duet , one person was the environment, one person was the explorer. The explorer could use his hand to explore the environment or use the environment to explore herself. They stayed first in a limited area ( around one hand) then this area expanded to the whole body. They both shifted from being eyes open and eyes closed. After 20 minutes they changed roles. At 40 minutes they where both explorer and environment at the same time. ( 60 minutes).


 I  proposed to take five minutes to revisit the experience with eyes closed sitting around the table.


I proposed  to draw the resonance / memory of the movement experience and  to take a moment to watch the drawing. ( 15 minutes ). (See below the photo gallery). 

Note about the drawing practice: Since two years I am part of “ phréatiques”a Julien Bruneau’s project, “that explores intersections between dance, drawing and verbal thinking.” This project introduced me to drawing. In “Phréatiques”, we draw with black ballpen or " mine de plomb". The drawings can be individual or collective,they are based on perception: vision, touch, earing, kinaesthetic sense and imagination. Words are sometimes involves in the process of drawing and can become a trace as well, integrated in the whole picture. 


I filmed some of them while drawing. (see videos below).


I proposed to write about their drawing experience. (10 minutes)


 I proposed to read  the text and to select an extract to share with the others. 


 I  recorded the selected extracts with an Iphone. ( Listen to the audio recording below)


Note: You can look at the drawings while listening to the audio recording. Dila arrived late that day and her drawing is made from a watcher's point of view.


I have made one idoc for each day of the ImpulsTanz workshop. You can find all the overwhole documentation in the folder:

Another folder that gathers document of a similar proposal in Ponderosa 2012:











Dicle Dogan
Mariah Martens
Jenny Beyer
day 2 reading a selection


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