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Sandra Wieser // Teacher
IDOCs » Questions Feedback Score
Questions score which I developed through out a co-teaching improvisation & composition class in Bethanien, Berlin, June 2012.

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Since 2011 I am teaching an improvisation & composition class together with the artists collective raum für raum. Our classes have a very simple an open structure, challenging the participants to keep triggering their own curiosity and interest, which we believe is the main skill to train as improvisers. 

The structure of the class starts with a physical, tuning in to the body warm up which leads into an open improvisation, the whole group being responsible for the space, taking roles as performers and observers. The class ends with a feed back session which can take different forms.  

One of the feedback form we developed is a list of questions we ask each other right after coming out of the  improvisation. We practiced this score sitting in a circle. One by one we have the possibility to ask a question to an other person. Answers can be limited to 1 sentence to help us getting to the point. It is useful to always try to answer the question for yourself even if it is not directly asked to you. This way of working brings participants to sharpen they thoughts and trust the validity of their answers in the same way as one does with his body in the space. It is not a big deal. It's just a question. 

You are welcome to make use of this score in all possible variations.

Here are some questions transcripted from different classes:

What did you long for?

Did you have any sides or private or jugmental thoughts going on? When and what did you think of?

Did you have a private score / focus you were working on? Which one(s)?

Do you think it was a successful improvisation? Why?

What was your favorite moment?


Did you see something which particularly irritated you? What?

Did someone do something to you which particularly irritated you? What?

Did you experience something which absolutely did not work for you? What?

What were your strategies to go through the improvisation when you felt stuck?

Which elements were you composing with?

Which compositional tools did you use?

Can you give us some examples of elements/situations/persons who moved/inspired you when you were inside the improvisation?

Can you give us some examples of elements/situations/persons who moved/inspired you when you were outside the improvisation?

When you were out, what motivated you to go in?

When you were out, what motivated you to stay out?

When you were in, what motivated you to stay in?

When you were in, what motivated you to go out?

Did something/someone bring you out of your performance/improvisational state? What/who?

Did you have someone whom you really enjoyed watching? Who?

Did you enjoy how the group worked together? In what way?

Do you think the group has an intelligengie of it's own? 

Could you see beauty in the group's way of composing? What kind?

Did you feel supported by the group? In what way?

Did we just create an art piece together?

Did you sometimes not know what you were doing? Please describe…

Did you sometimes not know what to do? What did you do then?

Did you get bored of others? When? What did you do then?

Did you get bored of yourself? When? What did you do then?

Do you like improvising for others? 

Do you like improvising with no one watching from the outside?

Do you enjoy watching people improvise for you?

Did you have to be courageous at any point? When?

Did you have to be patient at any point? When?

Did you enjoy when people were using their voice / talking / singing? Why?

Did you feel like breaking the format? When?

Did you break it? When?

Were you judging what were you doing? What kind of judjements did you do?

Were you judging what the others where doing? What kind of judjements did you do?

Did you think about the future? When?

Did you think about the past? When?

Did you miss anything / anyone? When?

Did you mostly have fun?

Did the warm up help you?


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