Documentation as a reflexive tool for movement and composition awareness
You can find the whole description of the workshop here: http://www.idocde.net/idocs/426
22/07/2013, Day 1 : With Jenny Beyer, Kana Inamura, Gaja Karolczak, Magda, Alexandra Maricich and Mariah Martens
Sitting in a circle, i have asked each participant to tell their name and why they choose this workshop. I recorded the answer with an Iphone. (listen below)
Then i have introduced the practice of "The two sides of touch”, a name that i have given to a score from Lisa Nelson. In a duet , one person was the environment, one person was the explorer. The explorer could use his hand to explore the environment or use the environment to explore herself. They stayed first in a limited area ( around one hand) then this area expanded to the whole body. They both shifted from being eyes open and eyes closed.After 20 minutes they changed roles. At 40 minutes they where both explorer and environment at the same time. ( We did the practice for 60 minutes).
I proposed to write about the movement experience (15 minutes)
I proposed to select an extract to share with the others.
Each participant red its selection and i recorded with the Iphone. (listen below)
I have made one idoc for each day of the ImpulsTanz workshop. You can find all the overwhole documentation in the folder: http://www.idocde.net/folders/51
Another folder that gathers document of a similar proposal in Ponderosa 2012: http://www.idocde.net/folders/15