IDOC Folders » " MIND THE DANCE" LAB Documentation Collection
Created by Eszter Gal 
15 IDOCs
mindthedancelab amsterdam 2
Talking about the second day of the Amsterdam MINDTHEDANCE Lab.
Talking about the second day of the Amsterdam MINDTHEDANCE Lab.

By [Multiple Creators]

mindthedancelab amsterdam
Description of the MINDTHEDANCE LAB in Amsterdam at ICK
Description of the MINDTHEDANCE LAB in Amsterdam at ICK
MIND THE DANCE LAB VIENNA - Sabina Holzer & Anouk Llaurens
Program for MTD Lab Vienna - ImPulsTanz Festival 2018 - 21.07. + 22.07.2018
Program for MTD Lab Vienna - ImPulsTanz Festival 2018 - 21.07. + 22.07.2018

By [Multiple Creators]

Scores from the Mind The Dance Lab Vienna 2018 - Day 2
Scores in space from participants of the MTD Lab Vienna, July 2018 during ImPulsTanz. Facilitated by Sabina Holzer and Anouk Llaurens - Day 2
Scores in space from participants of the MTD Lab Vienna, July 2018 during ImPulsTanz. Facilitated by Sabina Holzer and Anouk Llaurens - Day 2

By [Multiple Creators]

Reaching the Intangible - MIND THE DANCE Lab
MIND THE DANCE Lab "Reaching the Intangible" at TanzplattformRheinMain, Mousonturm Frankfurt 26th and 27th October 2017
MIND THE DANCE Lab "Reaching the Intangible" at TanzplattformRheinMain, Mousonturm Frankfurt 26th and 27th October 2017

By [Multiple Creators]

MTD Lab Outokumpu 29-30 January 2018
We (Ulla and myself) are just about to have the outreach event of the publication of MIND THE DANCE in Outokumpu, Finnland. This is our plan for the two days... rather ambitious. We will see...
We (Ulla and myself) are just about to have the outreach event of the publication of MIND THE DANCE in Outokumpu, Finnland. This is our plan for the two days... rather ambitious. We will see...

By [Multiple Creators]

MTD Lab documentation Outokumpu 29-30 January 2018
Collection of texts and images are the documents of and from the MTD Lab. It has been done collectively during the lab.
Collection of texts and images are the documents of and from the MTD Lab. It has been done collectively during the lab.

By [Multiple Creators]

Mind The Dance Lab K3 Hamburg
Some reflections on the Mind The Dance Lab at K3 | Zentrum für Choreographie, on June 22 and 23, 2018.
Some reflections on the Mind The Dance Lab at K3 | Zentrum für Choreographie, on June 22 and 23, 2018.

By [Multiple Creators]

MIND THE DANCE Lab İstanbul - Sketches of the Sketching Sc...
Here you can find the audio file of Nicolas Hubert, giving details of his proposition for making drawings/sketches of the bodies moving for utilising later on while taking class notes as par...
Here you can find the audio file of Nicolas Hubert, giving details of his proposition for making drawings/sketches of the bodies moving for utilising later on while taking class notes as par...

By [Multiple Creators]