user avatarAnouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarSabina Holzer Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarKerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » MIND THE DANCE LAB VIENNA - Sabina Holzer & Anouk Llaurens
Program for MTD Lab Vienna - ImPulsTanz Festival 2018 - 21.07. + 22.07.2018

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 21.07. + 22.07.2018

12:10 - 14:40 + 17:30 - 20:00
Day 1
12.10 - 12.20 : Arrival (10 min)
12.20 - 12.50: General presentation of MIND THE DANCE - Sabina Holzer (30 min)
12.50 - 14.30:  Diving into the physical and intellectual content of  MIND THE DANCE  through the collective practice of the breathing archive guided by Anouk Llaurens - Two groups (1h 40 min)
14.30 - 14.40: Introduction of the afternoon plan - Sabina Holzer (10 min)
17.30 - 17.40: Arrival (10 min)
17.40 - 18.40 :  Discussion: What did you do the last 60 minutes ?
Documentation of the experience of MTD through the breathing archive, towards a sharing with the group (writing, drawing, movement, video, photo, sound,  objects,installation...)  - supported by Sabina Holzer and Anouk Llaurens  (60 min)
18.40 to 19.40 : Presentation of some documentation (3 or 4) to the whole group - Other (and all) are invited to make an idoc. (60 min)
19.40 to  20.00: Sharing in groups (5 people) about the documentation process (20 min)
Day 2
12.10 -12.30 : Revisiting Day 1 backwards - Sabina Holzer (20 min)
12.30 -13.30:  Discussion with a paper ball : This conversation is an invitation to share a question you ask yourself and to utter what inspired you in relation to day 1 - Sabina Holzer & Anouk Llaurens ( 60 min).
Game:  We put the papers we used in the Breathing Archive in the middle of a circle the people created for the discussion. The person who wants to speak goes into the circle to take a paper and crumbels it to create a ball. The s/he is allowed to speak. If another person wants to talk, s/he signals that through going to the centre of the circle and waits there till the ball is thrown to her / him. S/he folds another paper around the ball and delivers her/his thoughts. Next person who wants to speak, shows that by entering the circle and so on.
13.30 - 14.20: Warm up in couple guided by Anouk Llaurens.
14.20 - 14.40:  Introduction of the notion of score - Sabina (20 min)
17:30 - 18.30 : Warm up in couples guided by Anouk Llaurens (60 min)

18.30 - 18.45 Transfering the intention into drawing with the body, then writing with the body.

18.45 - 19.15 Automatic writting ( 15 min) and creating 3 scores from the automatic writing.

19.15 - 19.45 Spread the scores in space for everyone to see. Choose at least 2 scores and play them out, perform them.

19.15 - 20.00 : Closing of the lab - Sabina Holzer and Anouk Llaurens (15 minutes)


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