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The second day of the Amsterdam MINDTHEDANCE Lab was focused around how one could develop own tools following the examples from MINDTHEDANCE.
For new people the publication was again introduced as on the first day.
Using the work of Kerstin as an example:
Fascia as Metaphor and Narrator:
Looking at the Things in Between
John explained how documentation can be an method to join artistic/ movement practice with teaching and research. These elements support and elaborate each other. We then engaged in a movement exploration moving from the personal to the social domains, and from focus on internal anatomy to social interaction to external sense and architectural interactions. We did this as a warm up and to experience the inter-connectedness of these layers.
After that John talked about how he draws upon the proposal of Friederike Lampert:
My Personal Teaching Map
and uses Mindmapping to show the relationships between teaching, researching and being an artist. Using two examples from his dance "techinique" classes for the first and second year students of the MTD at the Academy of Theater and Dance which is a faculty of the Amsterdam University of the Arts. He created mindmaps which integrate the elements of the two classe in a visual manner.
Learning Technique as personal artistic research with first year students
Learning Technique in relationship to the principles of Partnerwork with the second year
The participants then spent some time creating maps as artistic expressions of their living and working processes as artists, teachers and researchers. They found it interesting how these processes are not separate but interwoven with each other. Each aspect of their work and themselves supports the development of the others. Mapping seemed to help to bring the holistic nature of out endeavers into a clearer focus. This is an example of how documentation can be used as a tool not only to build workshops and classes, but also to act as an add in creating a fresh perspective on the inter-relationships of or work and lives.
As a general conclusion we discovered that MINDTHEDANCE is a good starting point and inspirign source fro people from different fields to develop theri individual profound way of doumentation.