Roll the bones!
Back to early night falls, back to studios - teaching already?!
Yes, the IDOCDE summer flew in the heat of Vienna - fulfilling symposium followed by chill of seaside holidays or mosquito buzz by a lake or moving your home, or just applying for new jobs for the coming term, maybe compiling a new personal website or working on your new artistic project? And for some of us bringing our notes together, images & new ideas for documentation into idocde?! All happening then & now...
“Why does it happen? Because it happens! Roll the bones...” *
Singing along “well, you can stake that claim -- good work is the key to good fortune, winners take that praise…” I proudly utter out loud now; that IDOCDE is strongly “leap”ing into the future!!! That’s thanks to the 7 partners who have won a new EU Leonardo da Vinci Life Long Learning Fund for LEAP.
“LEAP – learn, exchange, apply, practice” jumping high over the initial steps of IDOCDE project; is once again creating opportunities to continue working, researching, discussing together or also by ourselves, on things we may have started before, during or after diving into IDOCDE.
This time around the focus is more on teachers exchanges and sharing of good practices, where our website will be an important tool in the process – as a means to an ends, ending up with many more pearls of ideas. And we will be able to share our inquiries offline (body to body) in the 2 Symposiums that will take place during ImPulsTanz again, in 2014 and 2015.
All this will be rolling thanks to the already ‘bee’ing Project Team : Kerstin Kussmaul (Project Ambassador), Eszter Gal (Project Manager), Defne Erdur (Editor), Andrea Boll (Symposium Manager) and 7 Partner Organizations: Finland: ISLO, France: LePacifique /CDC, Netherlands: ICKAmsterdam, Poland: Centrum Kultury w Lublin, Sweden: Vitlyke - Centre for Performing Arts, Switzerland: Tanzhaus Zürich, and Austria: Wiener Tanzwochen.
So, a series of LEAP activites and promises await you to “leap” into:
TAB - Teaching Across Borders: 6 teachers from each partner country are being invited to teach at the other 6 European Partner Organizations. These teachers will be invited by the institutions based on their IDOCDE eligibility. Check eligibility criteria below.
TR - Teaching Residencies: 2 teachers from each partner country are being invited to “research together on teaching” within an international group of 5 teachers. They will be meeting in 2 different partner countries (1 week / year). These teachers will be invited by the institutions based on their IDOCDE eligibility.
LEAP ‘IDOCDE Symposium’ at ImPulsTanz: In Summer 2014 and 2015, LEAP will host the IDOCDE Symposium #2 and #3. You are welcome to join as participant or to offer an activity when the times are announced. However, NOW a new forum is waiting for all your contributions for preparing the best appealing content for these Symposiums.
LEAP meetings: 4 LEAP Local Meetings over the next 2 years will happen in partner countries, for teachers, students to come and share their experiences and invite new teachers and users to our site.
Because of limited funding and the wish for research together, we have created different kind of activities - some more spontaneous with little commitment; some research and teaching opportunities for fewer souls who want to dig deeper and contribute to the site, receiving some compensation. More details can be found in the LEAP idoc.
“...we go out in the world and take our chances
fate is just the weight of circumstances
that's the way that lady luck dances
roll the bones…”
As you are rolling for TAB and TRs, you need to check the following and poke me (your official editor now) if you are eligible. Once you are, and you sent me a message from the site, I will immediately mark your profile eligible and organizations will be able to find you!
To become eligible:
- a full profile as an entry
maximum 6 months before the application for eligibility :
- 1 class description idoc ( please check the editorial guidelines in the help session)
- 1 class documentation idoc (of an actually held class, a combination of description + graphic or pic or video)
- 1 comment or forum contribution (a comment ideally as an explanation of an appreciation)
Once you are eligible, then you stay eligible for the current calendar year.
To stay eligible the following years:
- 1 idoc that meets editorial guidelines uploaded in the last six months,
- invite at least 1 teacher in the last year who also completes a profile
- 3 from the following in the last 6 months: comment, food for the day or contribution to forum
“…so get out there and rock,
and roll the bones.
Get busy!” we are, and we will be... anew welcome!
Defne Erdur , istanbul - 11.11.13