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Idocde 2012 part of the french local group Cadavre exquis
This is a video of "cadavre exquis"( realized during the French local workshop. The process of the ‘Cadavre exquis’ is the one we...
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By Laura Faguer
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On Time and Body Awareness
This is a short video and written feedbacks of two dance teachers on a time and body awareness exercise created by Esra Yurttut. She has been doing this exercise for years with dif...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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A conversation about the loop of sensation & dance
jeanette bolding& jan burkhardt talking about... - touch as as means to create immediate communication, - Sensations and reactions as learning tools in movement explorati...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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In the following class description I made an attempt to put into words a set of explorative tasks and exercises that I used to teach in my classes – using clear physical terms. I...
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By Gyula Berger
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[FFTD] How much time do you in vest in your own teacher self?
How much time do you in vest in your own teacher self?
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By marcella moret Eligible Member
7 appreciations    500 views

Un Packing a Choreographic Practice
How do I start creating? From where do I source the images, questions or input that might become material for performance? How do I translate these into physical material? What ar...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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[FFTD] What is boredom ?
Following today's 'kitchen table' discussion/performance in 'teaching formless': "Boredom should not be understood only in a negative sense, boredom is a person's meeting with h...
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By keren levi Eligible Member
2 appreciations    544 views

Embodying Time - Teaching Form[less]? - 2015
This idoc is to be created collectively by Defne Erdur and the participants of the session "Embodying Time" during the 3rd IDOCDE Symposium - Teaching Form[less]?
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By [Multiple Creators]
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[FFTD] what happens with movment through time?
Foto taken in Albufeira Dec.2015
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By Sabina Holzer Eligible Member
3 appreciations    811 views

MTD Residency Mud - The Dance
Grounding practices of dance documentation, experimenting with matter’s dissolution —to decompose and to appropriate.
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By [Multiple Creators]
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