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keren levi Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » [FFTD] What is boredom ?
Following today's 'kitchen table' discussion/performance in 'teaching formless': "Boredom should not be understood only in a negative sense, boredom is a person's meeting with himself, with the reality of his own existence in the world. No other emotional state can give us the experience of our own existence, for they all turn us outward; only boredom return us to ourselves. " (Boris Groys / The Artist As a Story Teller / from the book History Becomes Form)

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Mira Mutka Eligible Member // Teacher
”Heidegger divides boredom more or less into the simple (two forms: where one can be bored by something - a dull piece of music - or with something - too much good food, for example) and the existential. For Heidegger this existential form is experienced when an individual is reduced by circumstances to at state of complete indifference.”

boredom, a lively history / peter toohey

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keren levi Eligible Member // Teacher
Thanks Mira. Heidgger's view seems to be in opposition to Groys' - a state of indifference vs. a meeting with the self. But as with most oppositions, finally they comply with each other, at their very edge.

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