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Laura Faguer // Teacher
IDOCs » Idocde 2012 part of the french local group Cadavre exquis
This is a video of "cadavre exquis"( realized during the French local workshop. The process of the ‘Cadavre exquis’ is the one we used in order to create a physical patchwork of proposals based on one topic. The video gives 4 examples of proposals based on "time". (cf: idoc score "Cadavre exquis")

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Link to see the video (the file is too large to attach the video in idoc, the video is not listed therefore only accessible by the link)     FLV version has been added (editor John)

Here are the instructions for each proposal of the video:

1) Breathe in by the nose and breathe out by the mouth and at the same time you balance your arms.

2) Get up on 12 beats and go down in  12 beats, the same thing on...8...6...4...3...2...1

3) Move staccato and say “time” loudly when you move slowly and softly when you move fast. 

4) Choose a point that you see. Go there normally..then fast...then faster...then slow motion but you can never touch it.

Here are the other exemples of instructions for  "time":

  • In pairs, seating back to back, fell the breathing of your partner. Then, separate from your partner to feel the space between you and him/her. Give a feedback to your partner.
  • Start behind a line and go behind the other line in front of you. The aim is to arrive the last one of the group. You can't neither stop nor go backwards.
  • Move quickly in the space between 2 persons and when you are in contact with one of them you have to move slowly. Your body is a land, and the space between the others is another land.
  • Choose a scotch line in the studio, it's your starting point. Imagine 6 movements you can do on this line. You have 1 min to do these movements from one point to the next, but the teacher possesses the timer. Do the same thing in 30 seconds, with same movement, on same line, with same distance.


Examples of instructions for  "weight" :

  • Take a part of your body which is the leader of the movement. Connect it with another part of your body.
  • Lie down on the floor, while another puts his/her occiput on the hip bone of his partner; feel the weight of his/her head.
  • Lie down on your belly, your partner lie on you perpendicularly, with all his weight  and rolls on you.
  • While standing up in front of you partner, put your head with all its weight in her open hands.
  • Lie down individually on the floor and relax. Then change your position as if you were an hourglass.
  • You love someone and he doesn't love you so he pushes away from him.


Cadavre exquis

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Tatiana Galleau // Teacher
Good job !
It would be better to start all your idoc about "Cadavre exquis" by explanations. What is it in general with a link (, the English name and what is it in the context of dance, what is good for teachers as Clint Lutes did in the call for proposal "Return of idoc". Because people outside France don't really know the game, the name... and don't understand the benefit.

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Barbara Meneses Gutierrez Eligible Member // Teacher
Hi Laura,
I just checked this idoc and i agree totally with Tatiana, also to contextualize where this took place, now that the idocde project is few years behind, it is nice to explain what was the "french local workshop", or just to mention that is was part of the idocde project of 2012.
Very nice memory of this local workshop, thanks!

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