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Body-Mind Centering® improvisation BMC® performance documentation composition BMC® BMC® Tuning scores composition somatics perception composition class BMC® Tuning scores Perception composition Documentation Composition Tunings scores BMC® BMC® Tuning scores Eclectic Dances Physical involvment contact-improvisation navel space radiation developmental movement patterns Systems Theory Reflexes and dance somatics contactimprovisation health instant composition authentic movement creative process performance group decisions story public space assessment student evaluation improvisation/composition co-teaching teaching together contact improvisation Andrew Harwood and dance documentation Contemporary Dance Juliana Neves improvisation composition dance circus Composition class technique class improvisation/composition poetic documentation feedback system touch David Zambrano Flying low Passing through Composition teaching choreography creation habits patterns choreo-lab Contemporary Dance partnering improvisation & composition technique Integrated dance Tunning scores Poetic documentation Tuning scores Tunning Scores Integrated documentation transposition of media multitasking symposium activity improvisation live composition all levels Improvisation horizontality real time composition Somatics ensemble composition workshop choreography lab Composition class dance history improvisation awareness spontaneity interaction dance Instant Composition sensing listening the how more than the what… Space Composition Exploration Somatics and other tools for movement creation improvisation composition and performance. Class for Improvisation/Composition for a class for dance students at the zhdk . practice scores Choreographic Thinking Teaching Beginners Teaching Online site-specific
63 matches found |
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Class proposal Stolzenhagen
Body-Mind Centering® movement exploration into improvisation into dance. Entrance point: cellular fluid/membrane balance fluidity, resistance, moving...
Body-Mind Centering® movement exploration into improvisation into dance. Entrance point: cellular fluid/membrane balance fluidity, resistance, moving...
TTT meeting Brussels/ Juliana Neves class/ Performance as documen...
This is a video and audio response to the second part of Juliana Neves class.We where guided from level 1 to level 5, passing from extreme peace to extreme nervosity and reversing...
This is a video and audio response to the second part of Juliana Neves class.We where guided from level 1 to level 5, passing from extreme peace to extreme nervosity and reversing...
TTT meeting Brussels, class proposal Eva Maes and Anouk Llaurens
The two movements proposals that will dialogue in this co-teached class( Eva Maes ‘Fluid Pathways’ and Anouk Llaurens ‘What is the shape of your visual field’), is a prolon...
The two movements proposals that will dialogue in this co-teached class( Eva Maes ‘Fluid Pathways’ and Anouk Llaurens ‘What is the shape of your visual field’), is a prolon...

By [Multiple Creators]

Spectrum of the senses I : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based work s...
The written proposal for the first workshop of a series that will investigate the spectrum of the senses, offering an in-depth exploration based on the approach of Body-Mind Cente...
The written proposal for the first workshop of a series that will investigate the spectrum of the senses, offering an in-depth exploration based on the approach of Body-Mind Cente...

By [Multiple Creators]

Spectrum of the senses I : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based worksh...
An audio document : Participants respond to the question: Why are you here ?
An audio document : Participants respond to the question: Why are you here ?
Spectrum of the senses I (day 1 ) : A Tuning Scores and BMC® ba...
Program , drawings and audios recordings.
Program , drawings and audios recordings.
Spectrum of the senses I ( day 2) : A Tuning Scores and BMC® ba...
Program , audio recordings and drawings
Program , audio recordings and drawings
Spectrum of the senses II : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based work...
workshop proposal
workshop proposal

By [Multiple Creators]

Spectrum of the senses II : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based works...
Program, audio recordings, drawings and texts.
Program, audio recordings, drawings and texts.
Spectrum of the senses III : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based work...
Program, anatomical documents, audio recordings, texts and drawings.
Program, anatomical documents, audio recordings, texts and drawings.