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Eva Maes // Teacher
IDOCs » Class proposal Stolzenhagen
Body-Mind Centering® movement exploration into improvisation into dance. Entrance point: cellular fluid/membrane balance fluidity, resistance, moving, resting, stilness, suspens, density

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Communication within the body happens not only through the nervous system. One of the branches of Body-Mind Centering® experiential anatomy work dives deeply into the exploration of the fluid pathways of the body.

Essentially, all fluids of our body are one fluid that is mainly made of water.
The fluids are always transforming; passing through different membranes and channels, interacting with various substances, transporting nutrients to the body and transporting wastes out of the body.

To name some: cellular, transitional, interstitial, synovial, cerebrospinal fluid, blood, lymph. All of which contain different qualities of rhytm, flow, density, form.


In a 90 minutes class I would like to explore fluid exchanges happening at the cellular level of the body.

The cellular membrane acting as a first meeting point/barrier connecting inner and more exterior realms. The movement potential of the cell, one of expansion and condension, is one of the basic forms worked with and returned to in BMC related explorations. To quote Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen: 'Support preceeds movement'. Cellullar awareness a way to (re)find this base of support. This movement potential and fluid exchange processes of the cell are a tangable reality of the body, that can be attended to and tuned into.

Exchanging some anatomical 'info' and working shortly with touch ('hands-on'), to prepare ourselfs for an individual but shared interiorisation/exteriorisation/ interiorisation/..... of experiences of stillness, movement, pauses,inspiration, memory, rest....



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