user avatarAnouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarEva Maes // Teacher
IDOCs » Spectrum of the senses II : A Tuning Scores and BMC® based work shop with Anouk Llaurens and Eva Maes
workshop proposal

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 Spectrum of the senses II




 This co-teached workshop (Anouk Llaurens & Eva Maes) is the second one of a series that investigates the spectrum of the senses (see date below). We want to offer an in-depth exploration, based on the approach of Body-Mind Centering® as well as on Lisa Nelson “Tuning Scores”.  It is a prolongation of an already existing relationship, as one important support for the development of Lisa Nelson work were her meetings with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in the 70. On the other hand, Lisa Nelson, being the main editor of Cohen's 'Sensing Feeling Action', has been an invaluable force to help articulating and making visible 'BMC approach'. Both Body-Mind Centering as ‘Tuning Scores’ are embedded in a broader scientific and artistic research oriented to highlight our physical base, for the sake of exploration, but also with the possible consequence of opening new avenues for improvisation, composition, inspiration.....

To build a sense of continuity, a documentation of the workshops based on audio recordings, drawings, images, anatomical documents and referential texts, will unfold on the IDOCDE web site (International Documentation Of Contemporary Dance Education). The documentation will be at first only accessible for participants of the workshops that will receive an invitation from us to become IDOCDE members.


 Eva Maes: Through hands-on work, movement exploration and other anatomical insights the developmental stages of the senses will be explored. In the first workshop special attention was dedicated to the skin in relation to the sense of touch and to the vestibular structures in relation to proprioception. Continuing exploring this ‘foundation’ more attention in the second workshop will be drawn to the sense of taste (mouth). Relational and compositional aspects of the senses will be encountered through stillness, movement and dance. For more info on Body-Mind Centering: ;


 Anouk Llaurens: For this second workshop we will go on with the notions of “environment and explorer”, “stable and unstable”, measuring time and space, practicing being in between our own desire and the necessity of the whole space. To dig into these notions, we will come back to the score ‘ the two sides of touch ‘ focusing this time on the dialogue between touch and vision. We will play the score in a trio, use vocal calls to access details and circulate between the position of “doer” and “watcher” to sharpen our sense of composition from both sides. Talking, writing and drawing will be used as reflexive tools for integrating and sharing our experience with the others. For more info about Lisa Nelson work:



 Anouk Llaurens (FR/B) graduated from the CNDC in Angers in 1992. Since then, she is unfolding her path as dance artist, choreographer, teacher and researcher. Anouk worked with choreographers Michèle-Anne de Mey, Barbara Manzetti, Tony Thatcher, Yolanda Snaith, Deborah Hay (“Room” 2005) and Julien Bruneau (“ phréatiques”, 2010 -…). She choreographed two soli (“ You are the only one”, 2006, “Helium”, 2008.) In 1998 she met Lisa Nelson and followed her “tuning scores” laboratories for many years. She is currently working on “Visions, a research on poetic documentation” based on her work. There she questions the process of transmission in order to highlight the subjective construction of experience, through a dialogue between sensorial explorations and multi modal documentation. Anouk teaches at Candoco Cie, ImpulsTanz Festival, Charleroi Dance, Contredanse, The Laban Center and Independent Dance. She is an active member of the IDOCDE project (International Documentation for Contemporary Dance Education). She was assistant/translator for Fernand Schirren (1995-1999) and Steve Paxton (2006-2007) and is certified Yoseido Shiatsu practitioner (Y. Kawada) since 2011.


Eva Maes (BE) studied dance at the Cunningham Dance Studio (NY, USA). In 2003 she met the improvisational work of Lisa Nelson’s, leading to more workshops and collaborations with her and with the ‘Brussels Tuning Band’. In the same period she started her studies at the School for Body-Mind Centering® ( Chiemsee, GER and Northampton, USA), where she graduated in 2006 as a Body- Mind Centering® Practitioner. She has been assisting Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in various workshops in NY, Brussels, Bratislava, Berlin, Amsterdam as well as for Soma in Paris. Other collaborations in dance: Chantal Yzermans/Radical Low (NY, 2004), Anouk Llaurens (Brussels, 2007, 2008 and 2013(‘Visions’).


 (Body-Mind centering ® and BMC® are registered trademarks and used with permission.)



spectrum of the senses II

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