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Contemporary Dance Research Theory Work Platform Theory Practice Reading Writing Books Dance Performance DVDS Documenetation Documenting Archives Library Somatics Contact improvisation Theory and Practice navel space radiation developmental movement patterns BMC® Systems Theory Contemporary Dance anatomy Analysis Theory symposium proposal Performativity queer theory embodiment teaching methods choreography ballet theory and pratcice Broken Narratives Moving between theory and practice Aesthetics somatic practices practice-led research practice-theory belief systems learning and information exchange creating reality emotional and body awareness
12 matches found |
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Liquid Matrix
Liquid Matrix is my research base for my teaching, but it also serves and base for creating new movement languages which I use in my performances.
Liquid Matrix is my research base for my teaching, but it also serves and base for creating new movement languages which I use in my performances.
The Living Library in Ponderosa - Stolzenhagen - Germany
A cross disciplinary library presenting influential and compelling texts, documents, film and magazines in the field of contemporary performance practices and discussions.
A cross disciplinary library presenting influential and compelling texts, documents, film and magazines in the field of contemporary performance practices and discussions.

By [Multiple Creators]

Moving from within - Contact Improvsation and Fascia 4 hour class...
A workshop of 4 hours length introducing the Fascial structures, of the human body, there properties and functions. Applying specific principles to use to move in a fascial way in...
A workshop of 4 hours length introducing the Fascial structures, of the human body, there properties and functions. Applying specific principles to use to move in a fascial way in...
Learning in the gap between feeling and expression
Texts, experts and course of events of the setting „Learning in the gap between feeling and expression" during the idocde Symposium Teach Me Not 2014. Theorie and practice in re...
Texts, experts and course of events of the setting „Learning in the gap between feeling and expression" during the idocde Symposium Teach Me Not 2014. Theorie and practice in re...

By [Multiple Creators]

The NAVEL SPACE RADIATION class was inspired by my MA research into reawakening the potentialities of navel space and its radiation. It was held as the second part of the DEVELOPME...
The NAVEL SPACE RADIATION class was inspired by my MA research into reawakening the potentialities of navel space and its radiation. It was held as the second part of the DEVELOPME...
not about thing: what am i/are we/is it doing?
2017 Symposium Proposal
2017 Symposium Proposal
Melkine:dance::melody:music – using “melkine” in dance trai...
I explain what a "melkine" is (a term I have had to coin), with examples. I show the ramifications for not only dancing and teaching but for choreography.
I explain what a "melkine" is (a term I have had to coin), with examples. I show the ramifications for not only dancing and teaching but for choreography.
[FFTD] what dances and agencies are triggered by these terms?
These are some of the terms prepared by Carol Brown and Pavle Heidler for a talk Carol Brown has given during the Mind The Dance residence @ ImPulsTanz
These are some of the terms prepared by Carol Brown and Pavle Heidler for a talk Carol Brown has given during the Mind The Dance residence @ ImPulsTanz
Vulner - Ability
This is a report of a workshop (in German) that I held at Tanzquartier Wien at the occasion of a Peer-to-peer-exchange organized by the Phd network TQW DOC and supported by the ÖH...
This is a report of a workshop (in German) that I held at Tanzquartier Wien at the occasion of a Peer-to-peer-exchange organized by the Phd network TQW DOC and supported by the ÖH...