Moving from within – Contact Improvisation and Fascia
Contents of the workshopIntroduction into Fascia:
-Generell Theory / Video Part 1 Gimberteau (15min)
-Fascia as a Sensoric Organ:
-Theory / Video Example from Robert Schleip (15min)
-Warm Up (20min)
-Bodywork in Movement (45min)
-Pause (15min)
-Time for Questions(5min)
-Fascia as a Force Transmitting Structur: Tensegrity Modell / Video Part 2 Gimberteau (15min)
-Exercises for stabilisation (30min)
-Taking weight / Giving weight (30min)
-Improvisation (25min)
-Questions / Feedback / Conclusions (15min)
Generell Theory / Video Part 1 Gimberteau 15min
Explaining the notion of the fascial net as a three dimensional network in the human body. A network which has different functions and properties:
-it´s a sensoric organ (embedded nerve cells); this nerve endings conected to our brain give us specific informations on
-fascia is a mechanical force transmitting structur, therefore it has different densities at different locations to transmitt force throughout the body and withstand it
-it´s a structure in which the lymphatic systems is inbeded in
Fasciaas a Sensoric Organ:
Theory / Video Examplefrom Robert Schleip 15min
Warm Up20min
Stimulation of the nerve endings by:
-Rolling your skin along the floor in aiming to have all your skin touched once and try to be fluid and light as possible
-starting to pull off more and more of your skin away from the floor until there is almost non on the floor
-Starting to put deliberatly a little more weight on different bodyparts towards the floor while moving
-place/fix a body part on the floor and then move away/around and towards it. Keep changing the fixed body part once in a while
-keep going on with what you do just add some shaking to it
-Improvise with all the four elements for a while finding smooth transitions
Bodywork in Movement 45min
Working in Group of three:
1 Person receiving / beeing passiv becoming gradually more active during excersise preferable lying on there backs
2 Persons giver / explorer / manipulator
-Beginning to move the limps of the person, exploring ranges of mobility in there joints
-Gradually finding ways of pulling and pushing on the limbs finding possibillities to let that travel through the body while the givers try to stay connected to each other
-start to sneak under the recievers body trying to lift them up from the floor, find ways to have them completle of the floor, givers build a new floor
-find a way of bringing the reciever bit by bit into a standing position
Pause 15min
Time forquestions 5min
Fasciaas a Force TransmittingStructur: Tensegrity Modell / Video Part 2 Gimberteau 15min
(Core activation) 30min
Working in pairs. Starting position on all fours
Left shoulder placed to the left shoulder of the partner
Starting to reach into another in exchange see if you can make your partner move
Change shoulders one in a wile
Start to push into each other see how you can be direct strong without beeing hard
Bring your partner into moving slowly throug space
Combining Reach and Push / Moving into other levels and planes while moving keep clarity
Takingweight / Givingweight 30min
Improvisation 25min
Free Improvisation using the refreshed and new knowledge
Starting out in new couples
Questions / Feedback/ Conclusions 15min
-the fascial web
-Own body experience
-On emotional state
-Anything you want to mention
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer

Dear Michael, having looked thru your power point presentation, I am curious to get more reflection or notes on what you are actually sharing during these workshops. For sure I will try to reach you somewhere around the globe to have a more embodied experience. However, I am hoping to read or see more of your reflections here. If you could give a bit more tips on how you work around the concept of connective tissue and CI on the body text of your idoc, I (and I shall say "we" for all idocde teachers) would very much appreciate it. Thank you. Defne

Hello Defne, Hello Tanja,
I edited my idoc and put some more informations on how I work with the connective tissue and CI.
Hope you get know a better picture of what I share and what such a class is like.
Hope you enjoy.

thank you. read and appreciated! this power point took its place among my body work and CI folders. But I was almost tempted to copy paste all the information into the main text of your idoc here. :-) Would you be interested in doing that as well, for the non- power point teachers to reach at a first glance? With joy, Defne

You will find it copied into the main text.
With joy Michael