My wish is to share few beautiful text (in french...) from Hubert Godard.
He is dancer, researcher, theorician.
These text give a poetic and philosophical view of the dance act.
Attached Documents:
Click a link to view the document in a new window (PDF supporting browsers only)
Godard gestemanquant wallon.pdfClick a link to view the document in a new window (PDF supporting browsers only)
Godard poids transactions.pdf
Godard mouvement.pdf
Godard souffle lien-1.pdf
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: pdf] Godard gestemanquant wallonRight click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: pdf] Godard poids transactions
[type: pdf] Godard mouvement
[type: pdf] Godard souffle lien-1
Anne Garrigues
// Teacher
Thank you for these texts, Hélène, they are rooting thoughts in sensations and movements.

Thank you for these texts, Hélène, they are rooting thoughts in sensations and movements.
Hélène Beilvaire
// Teacher
Thanks Anne for your answer ! I am happy to share ;) Sincerely yours.

Thanks Anne for your answer ! I am happy to share ;) Sincerely yours.
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