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Nicolas HUBERT Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » co-teaching (interview Andrew Harwood & Chris Aiken, part 1)
A video-skype interview of Andrew Harwood and Chris Aiken, who teach together improvisation and contact-improvisation, since several years. What is co-teaching ? How to teach together ?

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I took two times workshops with Andrew Harwood and Chris Aiken,

and appreciated much this tandem, and the content of their teaching.

Curious to know more about co-teaching,

I skype-called them while they were teaching together in Montreal.


questions, part one :

- when... how... why... did you start teaching together ?

- what is your part in the workshop when you are not the lead teacher ?

- do you prepare your classes together ? do you work with feedbacks ? or is it more spontaneous ?

- How did you create your specific work with objects, called "design" ?

Co teaching - part 1

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Kerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
hi nicolas, thank you for posting this...i did not realize it is possible to record by skype :-)
i just co-taught a dance workshop on improvisation and recorded music beyond our listening habits last weekend and i am surprised to what extent chris & andrew described their roles as co-teachers similarly to our experience. one thing that is also a great asset for me in teaching that i allow myself more not-knowing, both when i am in a leading situation or in a supporting situation. this in turn leads to more unexpected and rewarding places!
p.s. is there a reason you posted the 2 videos in 2 different idocs? ( you could post them together in one if you wanted to).

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Nicolas HUBERT Eligible Member // Teacher
Hi Kerstin.
I'm glad this Idoc speaks to you, and make sense for your own teaching process !
Well, the reason why I posted 2 idocs... is just because I'm not enough experienced in posting Idocs and videos,
I didn't know I could post 2 videos in the same doc, thanks for the information :-)
The software to film skype is "call recorder". Free for 7 days, but with a demo-logo in the middle of the frame.
So I bought it for 20$... and now I can start a collection of interviews for Idocde !

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(inactive user) // Teacher
Chere Nicolas,
j'ai regardèe tes deux videos: waoh! C'est super! Quelle travail! merci beaucoup. J'étais très contente de te voir à Grenoble et de faire parti de votre réunion - et de sentir votre esprit de groupe - ca m'a très touchée .... je vous souhaite une bonnen continuation....

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Nicolas HUBERT Eligible Member // Teacher
Salut Gitta,
moi aussi j'étais content de te voir. Dommage, je n'ai pas pu suivre tes cours, j'étais débordé, j'espère une autre fois.
En tout cas je suis content de voir que ces vidéos plaisent, ça encourage à continuer le travail, à faire de nouveau idocs,
et spécialement videos-idocs.
à bientôt j'espère

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Defne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
Thank you Nicolas!
Me and Nici; we were just in the process of planning a new workshop to co-teach (thanks to idocde encounter actually!!!)
and it was great to get a glimps of others' ways...
Plus video skypeing opened a new horizon for me!
Now I have more ideas!!!
Anybody willing to sell me of his/her time :-)

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Nicolas HUBERT Eligible Member // Teacher
Hi Defne !
It's nice to read about all these co-teaching experiences.
And I'm glad if this video-skype-interviewing spreads out like a virus into IDOCDE,
especially cause the website needs more videos idocs...
I have a few ideas for upcoming ones...To be continued...

Looking forfward to discover your future shot !


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Anouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
Hi Nicolas, the interviews collection, quelle bonne idée ! thanks Anouk.

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Sophie Gerard // Teacher
Salut nico,
comme deja dit en reunion GREAT JOB !!Avoir reussi a realise un idoc a distance est une tres tres bonne idée!cela ouvre nos perspectives sur les possibles !!!
la notion effective de collection et de partage de l'enseignement me semble estre un support tres interressant sur la passation de la culture choregraphique et sur les enjeux de transmission dans le vivant....donc thanks for this work!!!et bravo..

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Nicolas HUBERT Eligible Member // Teacher
merci Sophie.
J'ai quelques idées de prochaines interviews... Me manque juste un peu le temps. à suivre
Bises et à bientôt

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