user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarKaisa Kukkonen // Teacher
IDOCs » Rolling Rolling Rolling Lab - ECITE 2019
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of the participants and the facilitator Kaisa Kukkonen of the Rolling Rolling Rolling Lab during ECITE 2019.

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Attached you can find the video interview of Defne Erdur with Kaisa Kukkonen and Barbara Wyss and Ola Hasia, shot by Sergey Semichev.  Enjoy the video. The notes below are by Kaisa Kukkonen.

There may be more reflections added to this file by participants till the end of 2019. Thank you for your interest and patience.


Name of the Lab:

Rolling Rolling Rolling - and how to teach it?



Kaisa (facilitator), Noa, Anya, Chiara, Nica, Barbara, Jenny, Olha, Antonia, Maren, Katya, Ali, Julian, Sergio, Aiste.

 Two labs - 17-18 july 2019 / ECITE Ukraine


Short description:

Structure of the lab:

Group coming together and making the structure clear

10-20 minutes own rolling warm-up

20 minutes in duets or trios

20 minutes in new duets or trios

20 minutes in new duets or trios

group sharing

Inside the structure there was an invitation to study and learn through asking questions, discussing and dancing. The constellations decided themselves how they divide the time of 20 minutes. There was also an option to leave your group and join another if that is your interest. You could choose also to witness.


What did we learn? Results, gems?

The format worked very well, it created curiosity to keep going for the next ten years and to have an ongoing research group. We found a lot of complexity and variation for the approach of how to describe the technique of rolling in teaching and practice.

The more you do it, the more complexity you find. 

We also got into discussion about health and sustainability of patterns. 

One question is how to combine two approaches of teaching, the teaching of patterns that support the coordinated body and the research of your own strategies. We acknowledged that researching the patterns deeper will support teaching them (for example with different rolls).

Different practices:

Fixed starting and ending point, each time finding a new route between the positions.

Always rolling in the same direction.

Skipping body surf: two people rolling on the floor into each other searching for hooks to roll the wheel.. (this needs a video)

Dancing with the difference between gravitation centre and power center.

Recognising that in this method (CI), unlike other practise as ballet that has one centre, there are more than one centre that are changing all the time. 



teaching arised from this discussion about danger and safety of the practise,

How much to define what can be harmful for the body and if to do it at all, and acknowledge that every person is different and no path is safe for everyone.

How to deal with feeling of heaviness, research about dispercing / spreading out density and reaching. 

Some teachers shared their practice of endurational rolling (like two hours rolling) , in this practise are suggested options of different rhythms, or small body parts rolling to cope with it for a long time.


Different rolls:

Double Helix starting with 1. Feet, 2. Arms, 3. both directions

Crescent, banana 1. Center leading, 2. hands and feet leading 3. Center on the floor, 4. Arms and feet on the floor


Least Effort Roll

Log Roll

Aikido and Judo Rolls


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