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MA Thesis - Dance as a Shared Practice
This is my MA Thesis in Contemporary Dance Pedagogy, "Dance as a Shared Practice - Laboratory as a Means for Mindful Learning and Exchange in Contemporary Dance", in the University...
This is my MA Thesis in Contemporary Dance Pedagogy, "Dance as a Shared Practice - Laboratory as a Means for Mindful Learning and Exchange in Contemporary Dance", in the University...
Laboratory of improvisation scores
This is a decription/ documentation of the improvisational score laboratory leading into a performance in Berlin Contact festival May 2015. I guided the lab and performance togethe...
This is a decription/ documentation of the improvisational score laboratory leading into a performance in Berlin Contact festival May 2015. I guided the lab and performance togethe...
MTD Lab Outokumpu 29-30 January 2018
We (Ulla and myself) are just about to have the outreach event of the publication of MIND THE DANCE in Outokumpu, Finnland. This is our plan for the two days... rather ambitious. W...
We (Ulla and myself) are just about to have the outreach event of the publication of MIND THE DANCE in Outokumpu, Finnland. This is our plan for the two days... rather ambitious. W...

By [Multiple Creators]

MTD Lab documentation Outokumpu 29-30 January 2018
Collection of texts and images are the documents of and from the MTD Lab. It has been done collectively during the lab.
Collection of texts and images are the documents of and from the MTD Lab. It has been done collectively during the lab.

By [Multiple Creators]

Rolling Rolling Rolling Lab - ECITE 2019
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of the participants and the facilitator Kaisa Kukkonen of the Rolling Rolling Rolling Lab during ECITE 2019.
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of the participants and the facilitator Kaisa Kukkonen of the Rolling Rolling Rolling Lab during ECITE 2019.

By [Multiple Creators]

Embodied Speaking into Moving - ECITE 2019
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of Sergey Semichev about Embodied Speaking into Moving Lab he lead during ECITE 2019.
This idoc gives voice to brief sharings of Sergey Semichev about Embodied Speaking into Moving Lab he lead during ECITE 2019.