user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarUlla Mäkinen Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarElina Ikonen Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarGalaad Le Goaster Eligible Member // Teacher
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IDOCs » TALK : What happens to form? Teacher as a Coach in Dance Education - Teaching Form[less]? - 2015
This idoc is to be created collectively by Ulla Mäkinen and the participants of her session "TALK: What happens to form? Teacher as a Coach in Dance Education" during the 3rd IDOCDE Symposium - Teaching Form[less]?

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Please keep on adding your reflections; i.e. notes, images, videos, any kind of "outcome" that you would like to share following the "intake" of this session.

If you were a participant but you do not exist as a co-author please contact Defne Erdur from your account here or directly to the mail  to be part of this collective idoc.


HEY! here a note from Ulla.

I'd love to hear your reflections about the talk, and please add your thoughts here, big or small.. I add my notes here, blue are my notes for the talk and pink are the definitions&etymology of "form" 

I didn't talk about all that is in my notes, and all that I talked about is not in my notes, and that is how it goes (at least for me). I would have wished to continue discussion about many of the little tracks that were opened in the talk, but I hope the discussion continues in other forms and ways. Also feel free to add here notes from further talks/thoughts that you feel that relate to this topic. I believe it is all documentation - it is also documenting the "future" of the talk, where it lead you...

- Ulla

TALK 6695
TALK 6744
TALK 6690
TALK 6702
TALK 6745
TALK 6747
TALK 6753
TALK 6759
TALK 6754
TALK 6760
TALK 6765
TALK 6766
Attached Documents:
Click a link to view the document in a new window (PDF supporting browsers only)
notes 2.pdf
notes 3.pdf
notes 1.pdf
FORM wikipedia 2.pdf
FORM wikipedia 1pdf.pdf
FORM wikipedia 3.pdf
FORM etymonline.pdf
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: pdfnotes 2
[type: pdfnotes 3
[type: pdfnotes 1
[type: pdfFORM wikipedia 2
[type: pdfFORM wikipedia 1pdf
[type: pdfFORM wikipedia 3
[type: pdfFORM etymonline

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