in IDOCs

idocde » Symposium


8th IDOCDE Symposium: MAKING PLACE TAKING SPACE (21-26 July 2020)

Welcome to the registration page for the 2020 IDOCDE Symposium in cyberspace!

This years symposium has been reimagined and is in we ask for your patience as we figure out the details of schedule, and confirm with all of the lecturers, performers, presenters, guests, and you!!

Please fill out the registration form linked here.

Once you submit your registration form you will receive a reply that it has been received along with some information about donations. We are also providing that information in the body of this text. If it is possible to donate please do, it is very appreciated as a way for us to provide some small gesture towards the different presenters, and guests that will be joining us for the event. Thank you!

We appreciate any donation from 1 to 100 euro or more! The donations will be shared amongst the contributors, ie. lecturers, guest presenters, and residency participants. So anything you give will be very appreciated!!

Donation information:

For Bank Transfer:
Account holder: IM PULS - TANZ
IBAN: AT95 12000 00697459600
Bank institution: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Bank address: Rotschildplatz 1, 1020 Wien, Austria

For Transferwise:
email for Transferwise:
Recipient Transferwise: IM PULS - TANZ, 1070 Wien, Neustiftgasse 3/12

To best track your donation we will need your NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, and please reference "IDOCDE DONATION" on the donation so that we receive it. Thank you!

We ask that you register here on as a member as well. This website is a way to network with other symposium participants as well as a site for posting projects, writings, opportunities, and so much more! There are numerous resources already here for you to take advantage of, and it is free!

The symposium will take place on the Zoom platform. We will send the Zoom links prior to the first session, along with some basic info about the platform.

Atlantic Times:
Tu/Th/Sat: US (ET/CT) & Europe (GMT/CEST)
10am to 6pm New York/4pm to 10pm Vienna

Pacific Times:
Wed/Fri/Sun: Pacific: Australia, Aotearoa, US/PT
10am to 11pm Melbourne/5pm to 11pm LA previous day ***

Final gathering for both atlantic and pacific time zones will take place between Saturday/Sunday, time TBD.

Time zone converter:


Thank you for joining us! We look forward to being with you in virtual space, making place!