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teaching together water street observation Voice relationships motivation learn and teach attention confidence freedom The shape: starting from a feeling and arises from an observation. The bodies present. The risk zone and exhibition. Opening to the unusual experience. Teaching research sensorial Urban Movement. writing Observation Outdoor support creative process automatic writing body and words writing experiential anatomy soft activism personal pragmatic modes of teaching Matthew Smith Sabina Holzer Vienna local workshop Reading movement exploration drawing improvisation Books Writing Drawing Reading Overlapping Documentation recycling idoc documentation feedback texts documentation Theory Practice Reading Writing Books Dance Performance DVDS Documenetation Documenting Archives Library language improvisation dance movement therapy creative writing discussion imagery self reflection body memory embodiment performance movment and documentation movment writing drawing choreography reflection youth Improvisation Dramaturgy Dance Teaching Spoken Word Somatics Writing. class description Gabriele Wittmann dance notation movement writing Water movement Outdoors Story telling writing perception sensitivity writing documenting outdoors sharing multidisciplinary nature unconscious Dance history dance ethnography multi-culturalism choreography practice perceiving receptivity input/output improvisation not knowing vs knowing repeating yourself repeating others forgetting and remembering dramaturgy outside eye. spending time alone in the studio vs taking a walk ways of seeing making making decisions objects what objects language writing re writing The Choreography of Documenation Performance Writing Associative writing poems documentation writing choreography score trans-media
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“Co-taught class including outer-environment exploration, group wandering through the neighborhood, visualization of places and objects, training of reflex imagery and words asso...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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Impulztanz 2015. Symposium Teaching Form (less). Experiences and...
The Symposium in Vienna was an intense experience full of exchange of informations, challenges and surprises. I felt a positive atmosphere where the people were available to shar...
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7 appreciations    4008 views

[spa] Caminatas Sensibles
Investigation espacio urbano Descripción/ metodologia desarrollo sensorial. Marcando espacios/territorio, dejando huella y encontrando huellas. Del cuerpo al texto, del tex...
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By erika pirl Eligible Member
0 appreciations    992 views

Experimental reading and writing lab
Recording of a book jam, feat. P.O.R.C.H. Training Module participants, Stolzenhagen, May 2012.
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By Sandra Wieser
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[FFTD] What are the traces of your...
„katze werden". One of my scribblings. To get a sense of sensations. To get a sense of abstraction. To reflect a sense of space. To utter something which usually stays hidden (al...
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By Sabina Holzer Eligible Member
1 appreciation    585 views

Books & Bodies
Several documentation processes of a reading and writing laboratory offered in Ponderosa e.V. in June 2013 (incl. a 5 min. video documentation, drawings, photographies)
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By Sandra Wieser
2 appreciations    727 views

one moment of ALL recycling class antoine effroy & jenny beyer vi...
texts written by participants in the end of the ALL-recycling class on 27th of july at "the return of the idoc"/ Vienna. the class was based on idocs that document anouk liaurens's...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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The Living Library in Ponderosa - Stolzenhagen - Germany
A cross disciplinary library presenting influential and compelling texts, documents, film and magazines in the field of contemporary performance practices and discussions.
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By [Multiple Creators]
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