IDOCs » Impulztanz 2015. Symposium Teaching Form (less). Experiences and Impressions
The Symposium in Vienna was an intense experience full of exchange of informations, challenges and surprises. I felt a positive atmosphere where the people were available to share and learn through the differences.

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We were one large group with people coming from all over the world. We had the opportunity to experiment many diffrent pratices and exchange in several instances. Knowing each other and establishing relationships between listening, speaking, dancing, feeling, eating together …

During the three days practicing together, I realized an intense motivation of the participants. All people were generously putting themselves available to carry over into unknown territories.

The positive comments and even negative, were expressed in a very enthusiastic and committed way. In most cases our questions were answered with encouraging responses. All this provided an atmosphere of attention, confidence and great freedom.

It was a moment of exchange. Giving and receiving power. Reload. I felt a force inside me and a strong desire to dance and be myself. I felt that there I could do that. The doubts, pain and physical fatigue were metabolized into constructive energy. The boundaries between learning and teaching were integrated into dancing.

I felt a great interest in looking for mates during practice. We were there in a process of discovering and giving the best we could give.

When the exercises involve all people at the same time, a large force field was produced. The shape starting from a feeling. The shape arises from an observation. Speed, dynamics, spirals, lines and curves flowing... A surprising harmony. The bodies were there present. Even if the presence is somehow fugacious. In the risk zone and exhibition, open to the unusual experience.

Below is a text that is reminding me our experiences. In the “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying” from Sogyal Rinponche, he said that the scientists say nowadays, that the entire universe is nothing but change, activity and process - a totality on flow that is the basis of all things:

"Every subatomic interaction consists of the annihilation of the original particles and the creation of new subatomic particles. The subatomic world is an endless dance of creation and annihilation, of matter turning into energy, and energy becoming mass. Transitional forms sparkle in and out of existence, engendering a reality without end, always recreated”. Gary Zukav, The Dancing Wu Li Masters (New York: Bantam, 1980), p. 197.


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Susanne Bentley // Teacher
beautiful! Thank you Andrea!!

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Anja Gallagher Eligible Member // Teacher
I could not have expressed it any better - thank you!

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Sonja Lasagna // Teacher
In this words a find the essence of the Symposium. Thanks Andrea!

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Tina Mantel Eligible Member // Teacher
Thank you Andrea, you captured the positive and inspiring energy that pervaded the whole symposium!

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Kerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
thank you andrea, it is wonderful to see that our intentions for the symposium did manifest themselves...a great motivation to keep going with this work!

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Marie Chabert Eligible Member // Teacher
thanks for your beautiful sharing! it was nice meeting you. Let's inspire others now!

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Andrea Amaro da Silveira Maciel Eligible Member // Teacher
Thank you all guys! It is super to hear from you!

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Joana Silva Eligible Member // Teacher
Thank you Andrea.
Let's enjoy the nothingness of change!

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Defne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
Dear Andrea, as I am reading the book “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying” from Sogyal Rinponche these days, I remembered you reciting it in our dance context and syposiuming. I wanted to thank you for taking my attention to this book. It is amazing how different documents can direct us to different aspects of our lives and our art. As the day for Call for Proposals for the 4th Symposium is coming up, I am curious where are all the minds dancing now and how we will meet - transformed somehow and "older" this summer! Thank you once again.

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Andrea Amaro da Silveira Maciel Eligible Member // Teacher
Dear Defne, I am very happy with your message.
The fact that the book from Rinponché made sense for you, made me feel some cumplicity and it gave me energy to believe and move on.
I felt encouragement to revisit the texts of a new creation project that I am writing for some time.
I think that the ideas from my project have conection with the proposal of "The Importance of Being (un) Necessary”.
Sometimes the process of life and creation can be a bit lonely and hard if we don't have the possibility to exchange. Thank you!
Would be super cool to dance together in the next Summer!!!

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