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improvisation performance score workshop Video Process Workflow symposium activity local workshop floor work Feldenkrais Movement Research partnerwork Partnerwork Hands-on Partner Work photos Somatic work and movement teaching workshop documentation reflection Symposium activity Contemporary Dance Research Theory Work Platform sacrum sternum occiput BMC Louise Chardon anatomy somatic sensation contemporary dance teaching methods partnerwork education Layers Perception Workshop Contact Acrobatics Somatics Improvisation Breath Work teaching modern jazz courses workshops contemporary dance choreography Education Pictorial workshop Space and Perspective Contemporary Dance improvisation floor work sharing in home country Somatics Teaching Energy work Meridian stretches Makko Ho Do In Brasilian Jiu Jitsu strength contact improvisation Joy Somatic Costumes work with children creative movement warmup teaching job class teaching experience networking Reviewed. Luis Lara Malvacias workshop at Le Pacifique DCD Grenoble France: Resistance Delay Accumulation and Mobilization. teaching workshop composition workshop choreography lab voice work breathing organs creative process classes & workshops flyer Softness and mildness are the main characteristics of this method. To develop strength flexibility and coordination in a process in which instead of working with too much strain the musculature must flow. The specific exercises of The method concentrates on movement mechanisms of the musculature. laboratory work improvisation score contactimprovisation site-specific light teaching floor work TAB indeterminableness in dancing improvisational dance work graphic art students Somatics Workshop Breath Fighting workshop movement exploration partnering Partner Work Space awareness comunication Acrobatics Contact Improvisation Exploration Symposium 2017 dance togetherness Workshop Announcement Mind The Dance Reflex Europe Tuning scores methodology education Teaching Practice Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy Workshop Foundation voice recorder teaching together water street observation Voice performativity singing performance Voice movement and voice breathing improvisation voice movement healing Movement voice improvisation ambient music voice regeneration PHONÉSIE as a performative practice of mixing three tracks: dance voice and sense
58 matches found

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Communication and/in Movement
Tell me what to do but don’t say anything.
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By Clint Lutes Eligible Member
3 appreciations    1075 views

fantasy of workshop
I do short interview of the teacher , with one question: Can you say to me which fantasy of workshop you have?
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By Sophie Gerard
1 appreciation    2419 views

Dance to idocde: documentation through video
Dance to idocde: documentation through video Video - Workflow - Camera - Technology - Computer - Support: Hands-on workshop
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By [Multiple Creators]
1 appreciation    3873 views

Hamburg Local Workshop, video report,
Video report of IDOCDE local workshop happening in K3 – Centre for Choreography | Tanzplan Hamburg at Kampnagel, May 11-13 2012.
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By Maja Delak
0 appreciations    3233 views

Keren's Class
These are responses to Keren's class
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By [Multiple Creators]
2 appreciations    2574 views

Feldenkrais Practice - Movement Research - Partner Work
This IDOC documents a general introduction and description of a team-teaching format that connects the Feldenkrais Method to contemporary dance an performance practice. The conten...
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By (inactive user)
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the essence of my teaching
This is an IDOC of a 10 minutes-class about my "essence of teaching", given at the Vienna IDOCDE meeting on August 7, 2012 General theme: Getting into contact with yourself and...
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By (inactive user)
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Feldenkrais Practice - Movement Research - Partner Work / Exempla...
This IDOC documents an examplary lesson and is linked to the IDOC about the general structure and content of a team-teaching format by Sascha Krausneker and Gerog Blaschke with the...
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By (inactive user)
1 appreciation    2259 views

stolzenhagen 2012
panderosa workshops photos
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By (inactive user)
0 appreciations    541 views

Workshop proposal ImPulsTanz 2013 - Developmental Patterning
During a 4-day workshop, Roos van Berkel will introduce the 6 developmental patterns that children move through during the average first 9 months of their lives. All of these patte...
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By Roos van Berkel Eligible Member
0 appreciations    552 views
