The matching IDOCs also contained the following tags. Click to append to the above search field:
documentation tools perception touch drawing exploration Blind copy sensorial everything authentic movement recycling Image meditation perception awareness site-specific experiential Movement embodiment perspective movement and Nervous system science fascia proprioception perception Matthew Smith Image Perception; improvisation Visual media Documentation Recording Perception symposium activity Video choreography BMC® Tuning scores composition class Layers Workshop perception mind Movement Research Teaching research BMC® Tuning scores composition Documentation Composition Tunings scores BMC® Somatic movement joint perception connected and isolated joints BMC® Tuning scores Perception and creativity documenting Outdoors Story telling writing perception sensitivity Conact Improvisation teaching reflection non-dancers time awareness Photography preparation Archive Reflex Track
30 matches found |
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Documentation as artistic research
I invited during the teachers Meeting in Stolzenhagen, to share a research I am doing on documentation. It is meant to use different tools to create a body of documents which could...
I invited during the teachers Meeting in Stolzenhagen, to share a research I am doing on documentation. It is meant to use different tools to create a body of documents which could...
Reflections on Anouk's Class
Text and images recorded/distilled while observing Anouk Llauren's Ponderosa Class: 'Exploring with the two sides of Touch + Drawings feedback environment'
Text and images recorded/distilled while observing Anouk Llauren's Ponderosa Class: 'Exploring with the two sides of Touch + Drawings feedback environment'

By [Multiple Creators]

about: Exploring with the two sides of touch + drawings feedback...
Anouk asked me to videotape her class in Stolzenhagen the 13th of august 2012. I want to share some thoughts I had by following the class a a documenting person.
Anouk asked me to videotape her class in Stolzenhagen the 13th of august 2012. I want to share some thoughts I had by following the class a a documenting person.
CLASS MENU: Loss in transmission???
Exercise score based on transmitting dance movement blindly. A recipe including senses, memory, transmission…
Exercise score based on transmitting dance movement blindly. A recipe including senses, memory, transmission…
ALL-recycling class proposal for Vienna symposium
Only five percent of the universe consists of matter that is known to us. Let's try to move into the unknown 95%! With their last shared project “ALL” as a starting point Jenn...
Only five percent of the universe consists of matter that is known to us. Let's try to move into the unknown 95%! With their last shared project “ALL” as a starting point Jenn...

By [Multiple Creators]

Movement and Perception
Final essay written in 2006 as part of my studies at Dance Unlimited/ Amsterdam Master of Choreography.
Final essay written in 2006 as part of my studies at Dance Unlimited/ Amsterdam Master of Choreography.
About Lisa Nelson's work
This is an article i wrote about Lisa Nelson's Work. She is one of my source and I find it useful to have a small presentation of her work and its background to share with my stude...
This is an article i wrote about Lisa Nelson's Work. She is one of my source and I find it useful to have a small presentation of her work and its background to share with my stude...
The nervous system and movement
notes from a workshop I have given.
notes from a workshop I have given.
Use of Visual Image in Improvisation
Some questions on the use of visual image to enhance the expressive quality in improvisation.
Some questions on the use of visual image to enhance the expressive quality in improvisation.
Visual Layers and Layers of Perception
The workshop takes a closer look into the role and perception of the observer, the one documenting an ongoing process with a recording device (photo camera or video recorder).
The workshop takes a closer look into the role and perception of the observer, the one documenting an ongoing process with a recording device (photo camera or video recorder).

By [Multiple Creators]