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Matthew Smith // Teacher
IDOCs » The nervous system and movement
notes from a workshop I have given.

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Nervous System. Discussion Points. Cross section of a nerve -

so much more  of a major nerve is involved in reception as compared to motoric output. So giving time to developing the ability to feel ones environment – must result in a improvement in skill for the system in general. So dance/movement training should have larger focus on feeling/sensation and not just doing.

Sensation is derived from change

Proprioceptors respond to?

Types - Myelinated Nerves – (Spindles- in muscle) ,golgi,rufini,pacini these respond to pressure/shear/vibration/stretch

But are in the minority to the free nerve endings ...
all reside in the perimyseum,epimyseum,periosteum, not the muscle themselves. Ie the Fascia

Include all of these you have the greatest sensory organ of all. The 6th sense. Count them at least a million.

Most of these are sensitive to stretch.
Minority are pressure sensitive
Not evenly distributed through but are where the facia branches from an envelope to a septum.
e.g beceps aponeurosis – high tension low proprioception. Flexor retinaculum low tension but high reception -

So follows fascia architecture more than muscles

Antagonistic relationship between stretch/mechano reception and pain. Inhibit proprioception – more pain, and more pain less proprioception. Wide dynamic cells in dorsal horn – passing up pain perception or mechano-reception.

More afferent stimulation can help with the CNS regulation of pain, ie important to have mechanical input.

Proprioceptors are activated by gravity,ground and momentum.
And react to a change in something, ie change in velocity, compression, sheer

so slant, move, balance and reaction ignite the proprioceptor system.
Loading and deloading – eccentric vs concentric – must be triplanar – to fire up the system truly. Must also take the entire body to move one part.

Spend time afterwards on how it feels.
Contact exercises for focussing on proprioception.
Steve Paxton – The Beast

Italian Family - proprioceptors they are not all the same.

Work on the different receptors – more efficient in affecting the nervous system. Slow adaptive Receptors Ruffini.

Golgi tendon organs – more dense at the ends of the epimyseum, ligaments of peripheral jts and jt capusules

Muscle spindles quick stretch – react by tigtening. The stretch Reflex.

Golgi pleasant stretch stimulated – to tendon and whole fascia envelop. Get lowered muscle tone.

Stretching relaxed muscle – not much stress in muscle
Stiffen muscles to stretch tendon. but to concentrate on the tendons where more golgi are can get concentraction of the muscles helps. Intramuscular golgi, slow deep stretching – get muscular local change. Work close to the attachment with co contraction .. to get more gogil stimulation at the end.

Golgi – likes muscular activation, direct stimulation and get system long slow stretching.

Pacini - needs constant stimulation – local proprioceptive – stimulating with rocking. In deep capsular layers like inside the hip jt. In spinal ligaments ie facet jts capusule, not so much in peripheral ligaments.

Stimulation of Pacini – don't get change in muscle tone, but increased proprioception gives a change for more refined adaption or giving more options available to the nervous system shining the light to parts of the body. Waking up system. Non direct.

e.g seeing a video of yourself .. act to change. CNS response.


Likes things slow – global relaxation affects. ANS big degrease in Sympathetic tone. Ligts more of peripheral jts,

Dura matter – slow
Rufini outer capsular layers

Sensitive to tangential shear. Most sensitive. Change of shearing angle – then feel global relaxation.
Hypothalamus have branches in the muscle tone, main switch between sympathetic and parasympathetic – change emg.

Free nerve endings – endings are unmylenated axon (Adelta fibers), axon unmylenated C fibers, perimyseum,periosteum.

High threshold – 50 high pressure and stretch. - stimulate them and you get vasodilation – increased blood flow to the area.
the other 50 – light touch,shear

can switch function from mechano to pain reception can produce substance P, cytokines,
involved in pain sensitization.

ANS – Autonomic Nervous System – busy doing stuff without conscious control

two branches

Sympathetic – supplies all the muscles controlling the blood supply. Otherwise both systems are acting on same sites but opposite affects.

Sympathetic system is enhanced by stress.
Sympathetic system is considered the fight,fright,flight,

It primes the mind to focus on single task, makes the body ready for full activity. Surpresses other functions such as imunity, digestion, and sexual function.

Modern life seems to push us more into a Sympathetic state of arousal too much. Therefore finding ways to encourage the opposite is important.

Parasympathetic system is more the - Rest and Digest So it is involved in restoring and healing the body.

Focussing on breathing – inparticular exhalation allows the parasympathetic to ignite more. Focussing on sensation calmly can encourage the parasympathetic.

These two systems are one. They work together so it is important to see it as an equilibrium between these two.


Standing Breathing – Steve Paxton the little dance. Physical Stimulation of the proprioceptors.

Nomadic Yoga Phrase - 

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