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memory Poetic documentation history documentation memory of sensations drawing as dance document Somapoétique Body Memory dance language literature improvisation Exploration experimental Experience philosophy essence being Somapoétique Dance and literature consciousness body-mind memory Movement Research symbolic choreography kinesthetics intuition embodiment hermeneutic Dance in Cambodia Amrita Performing arts body memory performance Dance Movement Therapy
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[FFTD] Already past?
Again and again....what happens with the intensively experienced moments in motion, the severe moments in history? Both of them leave a significant trace within my body/mind. Asid...
Again and again....what happens with the intensively experienced moments in motion, the severe moments in history? Both of them leave a significant trace within my body/mind. Asid...
1 appreciation 468 views
[fra] Interview de LI-Li Cheng
J'ai interviewé plusieurs participants après "The two sides of touch + drawings feedback environment", une proposition faite dans le cadre de la première rencontre IDOCDE à Po...
J'ai interviewé plusieurs participants après "The two sides of touch + drawings feedback environment", une proposition faite dans le cadre de la première rencontre IDOCDE à Po...
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 3778 views
[FFTD] History is composed of docu...
A quote by Historian Jacques le Goff ("History and memory") Photo: Rapa Nui (Easter Islands)
A quote by Historian Jacques le Goff ("History and memory") Photo: Rapa Nui (Easter Islands)
0 appreciations 734 views
Three interviews about "The two side of touch + drawings feedbac...
After the class i gave for the IDOCDE meeting, in Stoltzenhagen "The two side of touch + drawings feedback environment", I made a video interview of five participants. I was curio...
After the class i gave for the IDOCDE meeting, in Stoltzenhagen "The two side of touch + drawings feedback environment", I made a video interview of five participants. I was curio...
1 appreciation 3268 views
Somapoétique® Workshop
Understanding a building process from literature to dance. An "existential" reading of literature through dance experience.
Understanding a building process from literature to dance. An "existential" reading of literature through dance experience.
0 appreciations 1010 views
Introducing Somapoétique® as an innovative approach of movement...
Somapoétique®: a new approach of movement by dance and literature, by Iaro Râsoma Choregrapher and Founder of BARE Centre d'Art Expérimental du Mouvement (Paris)
Somapoétique®: a new approach of movement by dance and literature, by Iaro Râsoma Choregrapher and Founder of BARE Centre d'Art Expérimental du Mouvement (Paris)
0 appreciations 752 views
Review Performative arts in cambodian society
This is a review about my artistic exchange with Amrita dance company while my stay in Cambodia. It also offers a short historical overview in order to understand how that affected...
This is a review about my artistic exchange with Amrita dance company while my stay in Cambodia. It also offers a short historical overview in order to understand how that affected...
0 appreciations 1122 views