As a founder of the Somapoétique® approach, I would like to introduce the research I am leading from over 15 years and more intensively, since the last 5 years through a research-creation and pedagogical transmission. Let’s talk about this approach of movement by dance and literature through which we can tackle the body-heart-mind connexion in a very creative and innovative way. Indeed, first of all, it’s important to define what is Somapoétique® :
« It’s an approach of movement by dance and literature. The body consciousness in movement is the door entrance to tackle litterary texts (myths, poetry, tales, source texts…) in its sensorial and sensitive dimensions, as a means to create meanings and to access to a Self-knowledge, directly from the conscious of our body experience. The Somapoétique® intends to explore how words language coming from a body consciousness, can offer us a new way of understanding and getting involved into the world in a more responsible, creative and personal way. The Somapoétique® is mainly an « art of thinking in movement ».
This definition will be our starting point to understand that this particular approach of movement is embracing different levels of the notion of movement as an act of creation : creating meanings, creating acts, « cre-acting » our responsability as human being in our lives, in this exigence of increasing our consciousness and coherence between our thoughts and our acts.
Furthermore, Somapoétique® intends to be innovative in the field of kinesthesic and choregraphic language by exploring literature as a source and as a frame which can support us :
- to create news paths towards our Self in movement
- to reveal the different and constitutive parts of our body-psyche process
- to create our unique way of thinking and expressing through movement to the birth of our words, right from our body experience
- to approach the different levels of our embodiment as a place of transformation and creation : from the unconsciousness of our inner blocks to turn them into potentialities
- to think about choregraphic process as a text of Self-exploration and Self-creation.
The act of reading literary texts through the body in movement is a founder act, not contributing to read a text « as usual » but to read ourself through and under the text structure. This approach makes a kind of « Copernician revolution » of reading by dealing with movement in its different aspects such as kinesthesic, choregraphic, exegetic and hermeneutic mode of self-exploration and exploration of our relational dynamics.
Furthermore, we should take into account that we are also in presence of a « therapeutic » vocation. However, we prefer using quotation marks as we want to distinguish Somapoétique from the field of dance-therapy, not in being « against » this movement but because Somapoétique® is developing a certain and other level of hermeneutic as a "therapeutic act". Indeed, the art of interpretating text in movement become a means of Self-knowledge such as a means to transform our limited mode of thinking towards new paths, we couldn’t be aware without letting the movement of our body happen « as it is », to open and to create other meanings and acts in life.
The selected writings we work with, such as mythologies, tales and poetry notably, are precious symbolical resources as it takes its roots in our subconscious. Indeed, these literary genre invites us to look at the invisible part of the world, the unknown or the Other of our inner world. By Somapoétique®, we are so offering, a radical and powerful way of reuniting body-heart-mind of each one, by learning to trust and to reconciliate with our intuition, our imagination, our body memory and our creativity. To conclude, we must recall the catch sentence of Somapoétique® : « Dancing the Other of writing – Thinking the Being in movement » as an invitation to live from the depth and the density of our embodiment, the birth of the Word in the lightness of movement…