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experimental anatomy somatic sensation spatial&emotional communication Ballet alternatives experimental hearing the body bar exercises Somapoétique Body Memory dance language literature improvisation Exploration experimental Experience philosophy essence being MINDTHEDANCE laboratory sharing experiment
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experimental anatomy into sharing the dance
class description for morning session during idocde-symposium july 2013 in vienna
class description for morning session during idocde-symposium july 2013 in vienna

By [Multiple Creators]

What I am trying in the ballet class?
I am sharing what I did try in last 3 years at the Ballet Class of Contemporary Departmant in Mimar Sinan University. I tried them in a diffrent time and one by one. (I i...
I am sharing what I did try in last 3 years at the Ballet Class of Contemporary Departmant in Mimar Sinan University. I tried them in a diffrent time and one by one. (I i...
Somapoétique® Workshop
Understanding a building process from literature to dance. An "existential" reading of literature through dance experience.
Understanding a building process from literature to dance. An "existential" reading of literature through dance experience.
MTD Lab documentation Outokumpu 29-30 January 2018
Collection of texts and images are the documents of and from the MTD Lab. It has been done collectively during the lab.
Collection of texts and images are the documents of and from the MTD Lab. It has been done collectively during the lab.

By [Multiple Creators]